
Reza Adhami

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6EEAshkan Ashrafi, Aleksandar Milenkovic, Reza Adhami: A 1GHz Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer Based on the Quasi-Linear Interpolation Method. ISCAS 2007: 2766-2769
5EEPeter Meenen, Ashkan Ashrafi, Reza Adhami: The utilization of a Taylor series-based transformation in fingerprint verification. Pattern Recognition Letters 27(14): 1606-1618 (2006)
4EEAshkan Ashrafi, Reza Adhami: Comments on "A 13-bit resolution ROM-less direct digital frequency synthesizer based on a trigonometric quadruple angle formula". IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 13(9): 1096-1098 (2005)
3 Anant Veeravalli, Reza Adhami, Peter Meenen, Michael Ray, Nitin Velkur: Fingerprint Image Enhancement Algorithms: An Overview. CISST 2004: 485-490
2 Ayman Ghobrial, Reza Adhami: Broadband Communication in the Access Network. Communications in Computing 2004: 3-8
1 Robert D. Adams, Nagendra Singh, Reza Adhami: A Finite Difference Solution to the Forward Problem of Electrocardiography. MSV/AMCS 2004: 157-161

Coauthor Index

1Robert D. Adams [1]
2Ashkan Ashrafi [4] [5] [6]
3Ayman Ghobrial [2]
4Peter Meenen [3] [5]
5Aleksandar Milenkovic [6]
6Michael Ray [3]
7Nagendra Singh [1]
8Anant Veeravalli [3]
9Nitin Velkur [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)