
Udo Adamy

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11EEUdo Adamy, Christoph Ambühl, R. Sai Anand, Thomas Erlebach: Call Control in Rings. Algorithmica 47(3): 217-238 (2007)
10EEUdo Adamy, Michael Hoffmann, József Solymosi, Milos Stojakovic: Coloring octrees. Theor. Comput. Sci. 363(1): 11-17 (2006)
9EEUdo Adamy, Michael Hoffmann, József Solymosi, Milos Stojakovic: Coloring Octrees. COCOON 2004: 62-71
8EEUdo Adamy, Thomas Erlebach, Dieter Mitsche, Ingo Schurr, Bettina Speckmann, Emo Welzl: Off-line Admission Control for Advance Reservations in Star Networks. WAOA 2004: 211-224
7EEUdo Adamy, Thomas Erlebach: Online Coloring of Intervals with Bandwidth. WAOA 2003: 1-12
6EEUdo Adamy, Christoph Ambühl, R. Sai Anand, Thomas Erlebach: Call Control in Rings. ICALP 2002: 788-799
5 Udo Adamy, Joachim Giesen, Matthias John: Surface reconstruction using umbrella filters. Comput. Geom. 21(1-2): 63-86 (2002)
4 Udo Adamy, Joachim Giesen, Matthias John: The Lambda-Complex and Surface Reconstruction. EWCG 2000: 14-17
3EEUdo Adamy, Joachim Giesen, Matthias John: New techniques for topologically correct surface reconstruction. IEEE Visualization 2000: 373-380
2 Raimund Seidel, Udo Adamy: On the Exact Worst Case Query Complexity of Planar Point Location. J. Algorithms 37(1): 189-217 (2000)
1 Udo Adamy, Raimund Seidel: On the Exact Worst Case Query Complexity of Planar Point Location. SODA 1998: 609-618

Coauthor Index

1Christoph Ambühl [6] [11]
2R. Sai Anand [6] [11]
3Thomas Erlebach [6] [7] [8] [11]
4Joachim Giesen [3] [4] [5]
5Michael Hoffmann [9] [10]
6Matthias John [3] [4] [5]
7Dieter Mitsche [8]
8Ingo Schurr [8]
9Raimund Seidel [1] [2]
10József Solymosi [9] [10]
11Bettina Speckmann [8]
12Milos Stojakovic [9] [10]
13Emo Welzl [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)