
Jean-Marc Adamo

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11 Jean-Marc Adamo: Association Rule based Classifier Built via Direct Enumeration, Online Pruning and Genetic Algorithm based Rule Decimation. Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2006: 370-376
10 Jean-Marc Adamo: ARCH, An Object Oriented MPI-Based Library for Asynchronous and Loosely Synchronous Parallel System Programming. PVM/MPI 1997: 67-74
9 Jean-Marc Adamo, Davide Anguita: Object Oriented Design of a Simulator for Large BP Neural Networks. IWANN 1995: 642-649
8 Jean-Marc Adamo, L. Trejo: Programming Environment for Phase-Reconfigurable Parallel Programming on SuperNode. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 23(3): 278-292 (1994)
7 Jean-Marc Adamo, Christophe Bonello, L. Trejo: The C_NET Programming Environment: An Overview. CONPAR 1992: 115-120
6 Jean-Marc Adamo, N. Alhafez: Minimal, Adaptive and Deadlock-Free Routing for Multiprocessors. CONPAR 1992: 815-816
5 Jean-Marc Adamo, L. Trejo: Experimenting upon the CG Algorithm Within the C_NET Programming Environment. CONPAR 1992: 841-842
4 Jean-Marc Adamo, Christophe Bonello, L. Trejo: Programming Environment fo rPhase-Reconfigurable Parallel Programming on SuperNode. SPDP 1992: 452-459
3EEJean-Marc Adamo: Exception handling for a communicating-sequential-processes-based extension of C++. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 3(1): 15-41 (1991)
2 Jean-Marc Adamo, Christophe Bonello: TéNOR++: A Dynamic Configurer for SuperNode Machines. CONPAR 1990: 640-651
1 Jean-Marc Adamo, Christophe Bonello: Symbolic Configuartion for SuperNode Multiprocessors. ICCI 1990: 366-375

Coauthor Index

1N. Alhafez [6]
2Davide Anguita [9]
3Christophe Bonello [1] [2] [4] [7]
4L. Trejo [4] [5] [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)