
Eric G. Ackermann

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5EEEric G. Ackermann: Indicators of failed information epidemics in the scientific journal literature: A publication analysis of Polywater and Cold Nuclear Fusion. Scientometrics 66(3): 451-466 (2006)
4EEEric G. Ackermann: Bibliometrics of a controversial scientific literature: Polywater research, 1962-1974. Scientometrics 63(2): 189-208 (2005)
3EEEric G. Ackermann: Book reviews. JASIST 54(9): 906-908 (2003)
2 Eric G. Ackermann: Book review: A sociological theory of communication: The self-organization of the knowledge-based society, by Loet Leydesdorff. JASIST 53(1): 61-62 (2002)
1 Eric G. Ackermann: Book review: The laws of the Web: Patterns in the ecology of information. JASIST 53(11): 969-970 (2002)

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