
N. R. Achuthan

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10EEAlva Erwin, Raj P. Gopalan, N. R. Achuthan: Efficient Mining of High Utility Itemsets from Large Datasets. PAKDD 2008: 554-561
9EEB. Ramaseshan, N. R. Achuthan, R. Collinson: Decision Support Tool for Retail Shelf Space Optimization. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 7(3): 547-565 (2008)
8EEAlva Erwin, Raj P. Gopalan, N. R. Achuthan: A Bottom-Up Projection Based Algorithm for Mining High Utility Itemsets. AIDM 2007: 3-10
7EEAlva Erwin, Raj P. Gopalan, N. R. Achuthan: CTU-Mine: An Efficient High Utility Itemset Mining Algorithm Using the Pattern Growth Approach. CIT 2007: 71-76
6EEN. R. Achuthan, Raj P. Gopalan, Amit Rudra: Mining Value-Based Item Packages - An Integer Programming Approach. Selected Papers from AusDM 2006: 78-89
5EENirmala Achuthan, N. R. Achuthan, M. Simanihuruk: On the Nordhaus-Gaddum Problem for the k-Defective Chromatic Number of a Graph. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 15: 13-15 (2003)
4EEN. R. Achuthan: Single Item Multi-period Multi-retailer Inventory Replenishment Problem with Restricted Order Size. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 15: 16-19 (2003)
3EEN. R. Achuthan, A. Hardjawidjaja: Project Scheduling under Time Dependent Costs - A Branch and Bound Algorithm. Annals OR 108(1-4): 55-74 (2001)
2EEKai Kwong Lau, M. J. Kumar, N. R. Achuthan: Parallel implementation of branch and bound algorithm for solving vehicle routing problem on NOWs. ISPAN 1997: 247-253
1EENirmala Achuthan, N. R. Achuthan, Lou Caccetta: On mixed ramsey numbers. Discrete Mathematics 151(1-3): 3-13 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Nirmala Achuthan [1] [5]
2Lou Caccetta (Louis Caccetta) [1]
3R. Collinson [9]
4Alva Erwin [7] [8] [10]
5Raj P. Gopalan [6] [7] [8] [10]
6A. Hardjawidjaja [3]
7M. J. Kumar [2]
8Kai Kwong Lau [2]
9B. Ramaseshan [9]
10Amit Rudra [6]
11M. Simanihuruk [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)