
Hani Abu-Salem

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5EEHani Abu-Salem, Philip Ka-Fai Chan: English-Arabic Cross-Language Information Retrieval Based on Parallel Documents. Int. J. Comput. Proc. Oriental Lang. 19(1): 21-37 (2006)
4EEHani Abu-Salem: Comparison of Stemming and N-gram Matching for Term Conflation in Arabic Text. Int. J. Comput. Proc. Oriental Lang. 17(2): 61-81 (2004)
3EENabil Rousan, Hani Abu-Salem: Computation of Square Root of X. SAC 1999: 74-77
2 Hani Abu-Salem, Mahmoud Al-Omari, Martha W. Evens: Stemming Methodologies Over Individual Query Words for an Arabic Information Retrieval System. JASIS 50(6): 524-529 (1999)
1EEMahmoud Al-Omari, Hani Abu-Salem: Routing algorithms for tree-hypercube networks. SAC 1998: 85-89

Coauthor Index

1Mahmoud Al-Omari [1] [2]
2Philip Ka-Fai Chan [5]
3Martha W. Evens [2]
4Nabil Rousan [3]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)