
Hosame Abu-Amara

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12 Yi Qian, Rose Qingyang Hu, Hosame Abu-Amara, Payam Maveddat: Performance Evaluations on a Bandwidth on Demand Algorithm for a High Capacity Multimedia Satellite Network. ICC (1) 2000: 139-143
11 Suresh K. Bhogavilli, Hosame Abu-Amara: Design and Analysis of High Performance Multistage Interconnection Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 46(1): 110-117 (1997)
10EEHosame Abu-Amara, Brian A. Coan, Shlomi Dolev, Arkady Kanevsky, Jennifer L. Welch: Self-stabilizing topology maintenance protocols for high-speed networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 4(6): 902-912 (1996)
9 Hasan Md. Sayeed, Hosame Abu-Amara: Efficient Perfectly Secure Message Transmission in Synchronous Networks. Inf. Comput. 126(1): 53-61 (1996)
8 Hasan Md. Sayeed, Marwan Abu-Amara, Hosame Abu-Amara: Optimal Asynchronous Agreement and Leader Election Algorithm for Complete Networks with Byzantine Faulty Links. Distributed Computing 9(3): 147-156 (1995)
7 Fernando A. Morales, Hosame Abu-Amara: Design of a Header Processor for the PSi Implementation of the Logical Link Control Protocol in LANs. HPDC 1994: 270-277
6 Hosame Abu-Amara, Jahnavi Lokre: Election in Asynchronous Complete Networks with Intermittent Link Failures. IEEE Trans. Computers 43(7): 778-787 (1994)
5EEHosame Abu-Amara, Vidya Gummadi: New Model and Algorithms for Leader Election in Synchronous Fiber-Optic Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 5(8): 891-896 (1994)
4 Hosame Abu-Amara, Arkady Kanevsky: On the Complexities of the Leader Election Algorithms. ICCI 1993: 202-206
3EEHosame Abu-Amara: A fast topology maintenance algorithm for high-bandwidth networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 1(3): 386-394 (1993)
2 Hosame Abu-Amara: Fault-Tolerant Distributed Algorithm for Election in Complete Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(4): 449-453 (1988)
1 Hosame Abu-Amara: Fault-Tolerant Distributed Algorithms for Election in Complete Networks. WDAG 1987: 355-373

Coauthor Index

1Marwan Abu-Amara [8]
2Suresh K. Bhogavilli [11]
3Brian A. Coan [10]
4Shlomi Dolev [10]
5Vidya Gummadi [5]
6Rose Qingyang Hu [12]
7Arkady Kanevsky [4] [10]
8Jahnavi Lokre [6]
9Payam Maveddat [12]
10Fernando A. Morales [7]
11Yi Qian [12]
12Hasan Md. Sayeed [8] [9]
13Jennifer L. Welch [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)