
Emad Aboelela

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9EEEmad Aboelela, William Edberg, Christos Papakonstantinou, Vinod Vokkarane: Wireless sensor network based model for secure railway operations. IPCCC 2006
8EESheetal Naik, Emad Aboelela: IDEM: An Internet Delay Emulator Approach for Assessing VoIP Quality. ICW/ICHSN/ICMCS/SENET 2005: 92-97
7EEYiluo Song, Emad Aboelela: A Parallel IP-Address Forwarding Approach Based on Partitioned Lookup Table Techniques. LCN 2004: 425-426
6EEEmad Aboelela, Christos Douligeris: Switching Theory Approach to Alarm Correlation in Network Management. LCN 2000: 452-461
5EEEmad Aboelela, Christos Douligeris: Fuzzy reasoning approach for QoS routing in B-ISDN. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 9(1-2): 11-27 (2000)
4EEEmad Aboelela, Christos Douligeris: Fuzzy Temporal Reasoning Model for Event Correlation in Network Management. LCN 1999: 150-159
3 Emad Aboelela, Christos Douligeris: Fuzzy generalized network approach for solving an optimization model for routing in B-ISDN. Telecommunication Systems 12(2-3): 237-263 (1999)
2EEEmad Aboelela, Christos Douligeris: Fuzzy multiobjective routing model in B-ISDN. Computer Communications 21(17): 1571-1584 (1998)
1EEEmad Aboelela, Christos Douligeris: Fuzzy Optimization Model for Routing in B-ISDN. LCN 1997: 89-98

Coauthor Index

1Christos Douligeris [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
2William Edberg [9]
3Sheetal Naik [8]
4Christos Papakonstantinou [9]
5Yiluo Song [7]
6Vinod Vokkarane [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)