
Masahiro Abe

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3 Masaru Ohki, Eiji Oohira, Hiroshi Shinjo, Masahiro Abe: Range Determinationof Design Parameters by Qualitative Reasoning and its Application to Electronic Circuits. FGCS 1992: 1022-1029
2EEHirohiko Sagawa, Hiroshi Sakou, Masahiro Abe: Sign Language Translation System Using Continuous DP Matching. MVA 1992: 339-342
1 Masahiro Abe, Yoshimitsu Ooshima, Katsuhiko Yuura, Nobuyuki Takeichi: A Kana-Kanji Translation System for Non-Segmented Input Sentences Based on Syntactic and Semantic Analysis. COLING 1986: 280-285

Coauthor Index

1Masaru Ohki [3]
2Eiji Oohira [3]
3Yoshimitsu Ooshima [1]
4Hirohiko Sagawa [2]
5Hiroshi Sakou [2]
6Hiroshi Shinjo [3]
7Nobuyuki Takeichi [1]
8Katsuhiko Yuura [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)