
Abdelkrim Abdelli

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5EEAbdelkrim Abdelli, Dahbia Yahiatene: Efficient computation of state space over approximation of preemptive real time systems. AICCSA 2008: 726-733
4EEAbdelkrim Abdelli, Nadjib Badache: Towards Building the State Class Graph of the TSPN Model. Fundam. Inform. 86(4): 371-409 (2008)
3EEAbdelkrim Abdelli, Nadjib Badache: Efficient Bandwidth and Buffer Management for Multimedia Data Download. FGCN (1) 2007: 424-429
2EEAbdelkrim Abdelli, Nadjib Badache: A semantic based pre-fetch scheme for SMIL presentation proxy-delivery. MMM 2006
1EEAbdelkrim Abdelli, M. Daoudi: Towards SMIL Document Analysis Using an Algebraic Time Net. PCM (3) 2004: 273-281

Coauthor Index

1Nadjib Badache [2] [3] [4]
2M. Daoudi [1]
3Dahbia Yahiatene [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)