
S. Kamal Abdali

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12 S. Kamal Abdali: Advanced Computing and Communications Research under NSF Support. Wide Area Networks and High Performance Computing 1998: 5-19
11EEB. David Saunders, Hong R. Lee, S. Kamal Abdali: A Parallel Implementation of the Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition Algorithm. ISSAC 1989: 298-307
10 S. Kamal Abdali, David S. Wise: Experiments with Quadtree Representation of Matrices. ISSAC 1988: 96-108
9 S. Kamal Abdali, Guy W. Cherry, Neil Soiffer: A Smalltalk System for Algebraic Manipulation. OOPSLA 1986: 277-283
8 S. Kamal Abdali, Guy W. Cherry: Visual Environments for Symbolic Computation. European Conference on Computer Algebra (2) 1985: 166-167
7 S. Kamal Abdali, David S. Wise: Standard, Storeless Semantics for ALGOL-Style Block Structure and Call-by Name. Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics 1985: 1-19
6 S. Kamal Abdali, B. David Saunders: Transitive Closure and Related Semiring Properties via Eliminants. Theor. Comput. Sci. 40: 257-274 (1985)
5 S. Kamal Abdali, Jan Vytopil: Generalization Heuristics for Theorems Related to Recursively Defined Functions. AAAI 1984: 1-5
4 S. Kamal Abdali: A Lambda-Calculus Model of Programming Languages - I. Simple Constructs. Comput. Lang. 1(4): 287-301 (1976)
3 S. Kamal Abdali: A Lambda-Calculus Model of Programming Languages - II. Jumps and Procedures. Comput. Lang. 1(4): 303-320 (1976)
2 S. Kamal Abdali: An Abstraction Algorithm for Combinatory Logic. J. Symb. Log. 41(1): 222-224 (1976)
1EES. Kamal Abdali: Feature extraction algorithms. Pattern Recognition 3(1): 3-21 (1971)

Coauthor Index

1Guy W. Cherry [8] [9]
2Hong R. Lee [11]
3B. David Saunders [6] [11]
4Neil Soiffer [9]
5Jan Vytopil [5]
6David S. Wise [7] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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