
Curtis Abbott

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7 Raymond Hayes, Guillermo Loyola, Curtis Abbott, Henry Massalin: MicroUnity Software Development Environment. COMPCON 1996: 341-348
6 Curtis Abbott, Henry Massalin, Kevin Peterson, Tom Karzes, Larry Yamano, Gregg Kellogg: Broadband Algorithms with the MicroUnity MediaProcessor. COMPCON 1996: 349-354
5 Eric Dean Tribble, Mark S. Miller, Kenneth M. Kahn, Daniel G. Bobrow, Curtis Abbott, Ehud Y. Shapiro: Channels: A Generalization of Streams. ICLP 1987: 839-857
4 Curtis Abbott: Guest Editor's Introduction to the Special Issue on Computer Music. ACM Comput. Surv. 17(2): 147-151 (1985)
3 Gareth Loy, Curtis Abbott: Programming Languages for Computer Music Synthesis, Performance, and Composition. ACM Comput. Surv. 17(2): 235-265 (1985)
2 Curtis Abbott: Intervention Schedules for Real-Time Programming. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 10(3): 268-274 (1984)
1 Curtis Abbott: A Symbolic Simulator for Microprogram Development. IEEE Trans. Computers 32(8): 770-774 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Daniel G. Bobrow [5]
2Raymond Hayes [7]
3Kenneth M. Kahn [5]
4Tom Karzes [6]
5Gregg Kellogg [6]
6Gareth Loy [3]
7Guillermo Loyola [7]
8Henry Massalin [6] [7]
9Mark S. Miller [5]
10Kevin Peterson [6]
11Ehud Y. Shapiro [5]
12Eric Dean Tribble [5]
13Larry Yamano [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)