
Jans Aasman

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7EEJans Aasman: Unification of geospatial reasoning, temporal logic, & social network analysis in event-based systems. DEBS 2008: 139-145
6 Jans Aasman: A Unified Web 3.0 Framework for GeoTemporal Reasoning and Social Networking Analysis. Enterprise Information Systems and Web Technologies 2008: 113-119
5EEJans Aasman: Utilizing Federated Knowledge in Semantic Web Applications. ICSC 2008: 486-487
4EEJans Aasman: Activity Recognition Using a Web 3.0 Database. ICSC 2008: 488-489
3EEDavid V. Keyson, Marc de Hoogh, Jans Aasman: Designing for pen and speech input in an object-action framework: the case of email. Universal Access in the Information Society 2(2): 134-142 (2003)
2EEArnold P. O. S. Vermeeren, Karin den Bouwmeester, Jans Aasman, Huib de Ridder: DEVAN: a tool for detailed video analysis of user test data. Behaviour & IT 21(6): 403-423 (2002)
1 Paul S. Rosenbloom, Jans Aasman: Knowledge Level and Inductive Uses of Chunking (EBL). AAAI 1990: 821-827

Coauthor Index

1Karin den Bouwmeester [2]
2Marc de Hoogh [3]
3David V. Keyson [3]
4Huib de Ridder [2]
5Paul S. Rosenbloom [1]
6Arnold P. O. S. Vermeeren [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)