
Amund Aarsten

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3 Davide Brugali, Giuseppe Menga, Amund Aarsten: The Framework Life Span. Commun. ACM 40(10): 65-68 (1997)
2 Amund Aarsten, Davide Brugali, Giuseppe Menga: Designing Concurrent and Distributed Control Systems. Commun. ACM 39(10): 50-58 (1996)
1 Reidar Conradi, Maria Letizia Jaccheri, Cristina Mazzi, Minh Ngoc Nguyen, Amund Aarsten: Design, Use and Implementation of SPELL, a language for Software Process Modelling and Evolution. EWSPT 1992: 167-177

Coauthor Index

1Davide Brugali [2] [3]
2Reidar Conradi [1]
3Maria Letizia Jaccheri [1]
4Cristina Mazzi [1]
5Giuseppe Menga [2] [3]
6Minh Ngoc Nguyen [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)