
László Úry

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5 Tamás Gergely, László Úry: A Theory of Interactive Programming. Acta Inf. 17: 1-20 (1982)
4 Tamás Gergely, László Úry: Program Behaviour Specification through Explicit Time Consideration. IFIP Congress 1980: 107-111
3 Tamás Gergely, László Úry: Nondeterministic programming within the frame of first order classical logic, Part 1. Acta Cybern. 4: 333-354 (1980)
2 Tamás Gergely, László Úry: Nondeterministic programming within the frame of first order classical logic, Part 2. Acta Cybern. 4: 355-375 (1980)
1 László Úry: Optimal Decomposition of Linear Automata. ICALP 1979: 659-667

Coauthor Index

1Tamás Gergely [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)