
Kasper Østerbye

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20EESteen Brahe, Kasper Østerbye: Business Process Modeling: Defining Domain Specific Modeling Languages by Use of UML Profiles. ECMDA-FA 2006: 241-255
19 Johan Lilius, Kasper Østerbye: Guest Editors' Foreword: Programming and Software Development Environment Research in the Nordic Countries. Nord. J. Comput. 11(3): 211-212 (2004)
18EEKrzysztof Czarnecki, Kasper Østerbye, Markus Völter: Generative Programming. ECOOP Workshops 2002: 15-29
17 Kasper Østerbye: Guest Editor's Foreword. Nord. J. Comput. 9(1): 189-190 (2002)
16 Kasper Østerbye: Minimalist Documentation of Frameworks. ECOOP Workshops 1999: 172-173
15EEKasper Østerbye: Associations as a Language Construct. TOOLS (29) 1999: 224-235
14 Kasper Østerbye, Wolfgang Kreutzer: Synchronization abstraction in the BETA programming language. Comput. Lang. 25(3): 165-187 (1999)
13EEUffe Kock Wiil, Kasper Østerbye: Using the Flag Taxonomy to Study Hypermedia System Interoperabilty. Hypertext 1998: 188-197
12EEWolfgang Kreutzer, Kasper Østerbye: BetaSIM: A framework for discrete event modelling and simulation. Simul. Pr. Theory 6(6): 573-599 (1998)
11 Mark Bernstein, Les Carr, Kasper Østerbye: Hypertext 97, The Eigth ACM Conference on Hypertext, University of Southampton, UK, April 6-11, 1997 ACM 1997
10EEKasper Østerbye, Uffe Kock Wiil: The Flag Taxonomy of Open Hypermedia Systems. Hypertext 1996: 129-139
9 Bent Bruun Kristensen, Kasper Østerbye: A Conceptual Perspective on the Comparison of Object-Oriented Programming Languages. SIGPLAN Notices 31(2): 42-54 (1996)
8 Bent Bruun Kristensen, Kasper Østerbye: Roles: Conceptual Abstraction Theory and Practical Language Issues. TAPOS 2(3): 143-160 (1996)
7 Kasper Østerbye: Structural Constraints in Rich Hypertexts. IWHD 1995: 16-29
6EEKasper Østerbye: Literate Smalltalk Programming Using Hypertext. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 21(2): 138-145 (1995)
5EEKurt Nørmark, Kasper Østerbye: Rich hypertext: a foundation for improved interaction techniques. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 43(3): 301-321 (1995)
4EEKasper Østerbye, Kurt Nørmark: An Interaction Engine for Rich Hypertexts. ECHT 1994: 167-176
3EEBent Bruun Kristensen, Kasper Østerbye: Conceptual modeling and programming languages. SIGPLAN Notices 29(9): 81-90 (1994)
2EEKasper Østerbye: Structural and Cognitive Problems in Providing Version Control for Hypertext. ECHT 1992: 33-42
1EEKasper Østerbye: Abstract data types with shared operations. SIGPLAN Notices 23(6): 91-96 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Mark Bernstein [11]
2Steen Brahe [20]
3Les Carr (Leslie Carr) [11]
4Krzysztof Czarnecki [18]
5Wolfgang Kreutzer [12] [14]
6Bent Bruun Kristensen [3] [8] [9]
7Johan Lilius [19]
8Kurt Nørmark [4] [5]
9Markus Völter [18]
10Uffe Kock Wiil [10] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)