
Ricardo Ñanculef

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10EEHéctor Allende-Cid, Rodrigo Salas, Héctor Allende, Ricardo Ñanculef: Robust Alternating AdaBoost. CIARP 2007: 427-436
9EERicardo Ñanculef, Carlos Valle, Héctor Allende, Claudio Moraga: Bagging with Asymmetric Costs for Misclassified and Correctly Classified Examples. CIARP 2007: 694-703
8EECarlos Valle, Ricardo Ñanculef, Héctor Allende, Claudio Moraga: Two Bagging Algorithms with Coupled Learners to Encourage Diversity. IDA 2007: 130-139
7EEPatricia Trejo, Ricardo Ñanculef, Héctor Allende, Claudio Moraga: Probabilistic Aggregation of Classifiers for Incremental Learning. IWANN 2007: 135-143
6EERicardo Ñanculef, Carlos Valle, Héctor Allende, Claudio Moraga: Ensemble Learning with Local Diversity. ICANN (1) 2006: 264-273
5EERicardo Ñanculef, Carlos Valle, Héctor Allende, Claudio Moraga: Local Negative Correlation with Resampling. IDEAL 2006: 570-577
4EERicardo Ñanculef, Carlos Valle, Héctor Allende, Claudio Moraga: Moderated Innovations in Self-poised Ensemble Learning. CIS (1) 2005: 49-56
3EERicardo Ñanculef, Carlos Valle, Héctor Allende, Claudio Moraga: Self-poised Ensemble Learning. IDA 2005: 272-282
2EERicardo Ñanculef, Carlos Concha, Claudio Moraga, Héctor Allende: Multiresolution Fuzzy Rule Systems. Fuzzy Days 2004: 65-79
1EEHéctor Allende, Ricardo Ñanculef, Rodrigo Salas: Robust Bootstrapping Neural Networks. MICAI 2004: 813-822

Coauthor Index

1Héctor Allende [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
2Héctor Allende-Cid [10]
3Carlos Concha [2]
4Claudio Moraga [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
5Rodrigo Salas [1] [10]
6Patricia Trejo [7]
7Carlos Valle [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)