A Single Pass Computing Engine for Interactive Analysis of VLDBs.

Ted Mihalisin: A Single Pass Computing Engine for Interactive Analysis of VLDBs. VLDB 1998: 707
  author    = {Ted Mihalisin},
  editor    = {Ashish Gupta and
               Oded Shmueli and
               Jennifer Widom},
  title     = {A Single Pass Computing Engine for Interactive Analysis of VLDBs},
  booktitle = {VLDB'98, Proceedings of 24rd International Conference on Very
               Large Data Bases, August 24-27, 1998, New York City, New York,
  publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
  year      = {1998},
  isbn      = {1-55860-566-5},
  pages     = {707},
  ee        = {db/conf/vldb/Mihalisin98.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/vldb/98},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


A single pass computing and visualization engine will be demonstrated that allows one to interactively analyze VLDBs that contain tens of millions of multivariate records. The engine allows one to compute millions of different quantities from a single pass over the records. Each computation can be performed for the entire multivariate domain and for all subdomains that can be obtained by constraining one or more discrete variables to span any subset of their values and one or more continuous variables to span any subset of their predefined bins. Each new computation takes less than one second irrespective of the number of records. Our patented visualization method (U.S. Patent No. 5,228,119) allows one to quickly detect highly conditional multidimensional correlations, clusters and associations.

Copyright © 1998 by the VLDB Endowment. Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the VLDB copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by the permission of the Very Large Data Base Endowment. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or special permission from the Endowment.

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Printed Edition

Ashish Gupta, Oded Shmueli, Jennifer Widom (Eds.): VLDB'98, Proceedings of 24rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, August 24-27, 1998, New York City, New York, USA. Morgan Kaufmann 1998, ISBN 1-55860-566-5
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