Algebraic Specification Schemes for Data Base Systems.

Hartmut Ehrig, Hans-Jörg Kreowski, Herbert Weber: Algebraic Specification Schemes for Data Base Systems. VLDB 1978: 427-440
  author    = {Hartmut Ehrig and
               Hans-J{\"o}rg Kreowski and
               Herbert Weber},
  editor    = {S. Bing Yao},
  title     = {Algebraic Specification Schemes for Data Base Systems},
  booktitle = {Fourth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, September
               13-15, 1978, West Berlin, Germany},
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  year      = {1978},
  pages     = {427-440},
  ee        = {db/conf/vldb/EhrigKW78.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/vldb/78},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


We propose a hierarchic structuring principle for the formal specification of data base systems, called an algebraic specification scheme, which is based on algebraic specification techniques for data types. Syntax and semantics of an algebraic specification scheme are formally defined and illustrated by a nontrivial example, the specification of a data base system for an airportschedule. The construction of the schema is based on tuple- and table-connections of the components showing a close relationship to the relational data base model. Algebraic specification schemes allow the definition of integrity constraints like functional and interrelational dependencies. The mathematical precise formulation allows rigorous correctness proofs for their syntax and semantics. First results are given and applied to the airportschedule example.

Copyright © 1978 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. (IEEE). Abstract used with permission.

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Printed Edition

S. Bing Yao (Ed.): Fourth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, September 13-15, 1978, West Berlin, Germany. IEEE Computer Society 1978
Contents BibTeX


[BG 77]
[Cod 70]
E. F. Codd: A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks. Commun. ACM 13(6): 377-387(1970) BibTeX
[DDH 72]
[EKP 78]
Hartmut Ehrig, Hans-Jörg Kreowski, Peter Padawitz: Stepwise Specification and Implementation of Abstract Data Types. ICALP 1978: 205-226 BibTeX
[GTW 76]
[Gut 76]
John V. Guttag: Abstract Data Type and the Development of Data Structures. Commun. ACM 20(6): 396-404(1977) BibTeX
[Lis 76]
[Mil 76]
Harlan D. Mills: The New Math of Computer Programming. Commun. ACM 18(1): 43-48(1975) BibTeX
[PP 77]
Paolo Paolini, Giuseppe Pelagatti: Formal Definition of Mappings in a Data Base. SIGMOD Conference 1977: 40-46 BibTeX
[TW 78]
James W. Thatcher, Eric G. Wagner, Jesse B. Wright: Data Type Specification: Parameterization and the Power of Specification Techniques. STOC 1978: 119-132 BibTeX
[Web 76]
[Web 78]
Herbert Weber: A Software Engineering View of Data Base Systems. VLDB 1978: 36-51 BibTeX
[Zil 74]

Referenced by

  1. Alexandre V. Zamulin: From a Database Programming Language to a Database Specification Language (Invited Paper). ADBIS 1994: 122-131
  2. David W. Stemple, Tim Sheard, Ralph E. Bunker: Abstract Data Types in Databases: Specification, Manipulation and Access. ICDE 1986: 590-597
  3. Luiz Tucherman, Antonio L. Furtado, Marco A. Casanova: A Tool for Modular Database Design. VLDB 1985: 436-447
  4. David W. Stemple, Tim Sheard: Specification and Verification of Abstract Database Types. PODS 1984: 248-257
  5. Luiz Tucherman, Antonio L. Furtado, Marco A. Casanova: A Pragmatic Approach to Structured Database Design. VLDB 1983: 219-231
  6. Walter Dosch, Gianfranco Mascari, Martin Wirsing: On the Algebraic Specification of Databases. VLDB 1982: 370-385
  7. José Mauro Volkmer de Castilho, Marco A. Casanova, Antonio L. Furtado: A Temporal Framework for Database Specifications. VLDB 1982: 280-291
  8. Antonio L. Furtado, Paulo A. S. Veloso, José Mauro Volkmer de Castilho: Verification and Testing of S-ER Representations. ER 1981: 123-147
  9. Herbert Weber: A Software Engineering View of Data Base Systems. VLDB 1978: 36-51
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