Must We Navigate Through Databases?

Stephen E. Weiss, Pamela L. Weeks, Nancy J. Byrd: Must We Navigate Through Databases? SSDBM 1981: 111-122
  author    = {Stephen E. Weiss and
               Pamela L. Weeks and
               Nancy J. Byrd},
  editor    = {Harry K. T. Wong},
  title     = {Must We Navigate Through Databases?},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the First LBL Workshop on Statistical Database
               Management, Melno Park, California, USA, December 2-4, 1981},
  publisher = {Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory},
  year      = {1981},
  pages     = {111-122},
  ee        = {db/conf/ssdbm/WeissWB81.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/ssdbm/81},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


Data dictionary systems, such as the Table Producing Language (TPL) Descriptive Codebook system, provide a facility for separating the description of a data file from the use of the data. The benefits of this approach are well known. The TPL Associative Codebook system extends the data separation concept to information about the interconnection of files in relational and network database systems. The associative codebook processor uses this information about interconnections to generate call sequences which result in data being delivered to TPL as if it were coming from a sequential hierarchical file. Thus the user of TPL does not have to concern himself with the link paths of network systems or the joins, projecti ens, and restrictions of relational systems.

ACM SIGMOD Anthology

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Printed Edition

Harry K. T. Wong (Ed.): Proceedings of the First LBL Workshop on Statistical Database Management, Melno Park, California, USA, December 2-4, 1981. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 1982
Contents BibTeX


M. J. Turner, R. Hammond, P. Cotton: A DBMS for Large Statistical Databases. VLDB 1979: 319-327 BibTeX
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