Solving Complex Data Retrieval Problems with TPL.

Stephen E. Weiss, Peter B. Stevens: Solving Complex Data Retrieval Problems with TPL. SSDBM 1981: 390-397
  author    = {Stephen E. Weiss and
               Peter B. Stevens},
  editor    = {Harry K. T. Wong},
  title     = {Solving Complex Data Retrieval Problems with TPL},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the First LBL Workshop on Statistical Database
               Management, Melno Park, California, USA, December 2-4, 1981},
  publisher = {Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory},
  year      = {1981},
  pages     = {390-397},
  ee        = {db/conf/ssdbm/WeissS81.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/ssdbm/81},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


Table Producing Language is applied to four statistical retrieval problems proposed by Robert Teitel. The TPL system performs exceptionally well in solving two of these problems. All of the complexity of these problems is hidden in the data description. The other two problems require a somewhat procedural, two-pass approach for TPL. An unimplemented feature of TPL is described whi ch makes the soluti on5 to the two harder problems easy. It is claimed that TPLis hierarchical user model makes the solution to these problems easi er than would be possible with a user model based on relational algebra.

ACM SIGMOD Anthology

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Printed Edition

Harry K. T. Wong (Ed.): Proceedings of the First LBL Workshop on Statistical Database Management, Melno Park, California, USA, December 2-4, 1981. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 1982
Contents BibTeX


M. J. Turner, R. Hammond, P. Cotton: A DBMS for Large Statistical Databases. VLDB 1979: 319-327 BibTeX
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