The Analysis of Geographical Data: Data Rich, Technology Adequate, Theory Poor.

David Rhind, Stan Openshaw, Nick Green: The Analysis of Geographical Data: Data Rich, Technology Adequate, Theory Poor. SSDBM 1988: 427-454
  author    = {David Rhind and
               Stan Openshaw and
               Nick Green},
  editor    = {Maurizio Rafanelli and
               John C. Klensin and
               Per Svensson},
  title     = {The Analysis of Geographical Data: Data Rich, Technology Adequate,
               Theory Poor},
  booktitle = {Statistical and Scientific Database Management, 4th International
               Working Conference SSDBM, Rome, Italy, June 21-23, 1988, Proccedings},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume    = {339},
  year      = {1988},
  isbn      = {3-540-50575-X},
  pages     = {427-454},
  ee        = {db/conf/ssdbm/RhindOG88.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/ssdbm/88},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}

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Printed Edition

Maurizio Rafanelli, John C. Klensin, Per Svensson (Eds.): Statistical and Scientific Database Management, 4th International Working Conference SSDBM, Rome, Italy, June 21-23, 1988, Proccedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 339 Springer 1989, ISBN 3-540-50575-X
Contents BibTeX


[Ahuja 1983]
[Arbia 1985]
[Arnberg 1981]
[Aronson 1985]
[Bell et al 1983]
[Besag 1986]
[Bouille 1977]
[Burrough 1986]
[Calkins 1983]
[Chrisman 1987]
[Chrisman 1988]
[Clayton Kaldor 1987]
[Coombes et al 1982]
[Corbett 1975]
[Dangermond 1983]
[Dangermond Morehouse 1987]
[Duecker 1985]
[Estes Bredekamp 1988]
[Frank 1982]
[Goodchild 1988]
[Gibson Lucas 1982]
[Green 1986]
[Green 1987]
[Green Healey Rhind 1986]
[Green Rhind 1986a]
[Green Rhind 1986b]
[Green Rhind Finch 1985]
[Green Sibson 1978]
[Guptill 1985]
[Guptill 1988]
[Herring 1987]
[HMSO 1987]
[Holroyd 1986]
[Jackson Mason 1986]
[Knapp Rider 1979]
[Marble 1983]
[Marble 1988]
[Mark 1979]
[Martin 1973]
[Morehouse 1985]
[Mounsey 1988]
[Nerc 1987]
[Openshaw et al 1988]
[Openshaw Wymer Coombes 1988]
[Openshaw 1978]
[Openshaw 1984]
[Openshaw 1987]
[Openshaw 1988]
[Peucker Chrisman 1975]
[Peuquet 1984]
[Peuquet 1988]
[Rhind 1981]
[Rhind 1987]
[Rhind 1988]
[Rhind Mounsey 1988]
[Rhind Armstrong Openshaw 1988]
[Rhind Green 1988]
[Rhind Higgins 1988]
[Rhind Clark 1988]
[Robinson Blaze Thongs 1986]
[Robinson Thongs Blaze 1985]
[Samet 1984]
[Sforzi Openshaw Wymer 1986]
[Smith Menon Star Estes 1987]
[Smith Pazner 1984]
[Teng Joseph Shojaee 1986]
[Tomlinson 1972]
[Tomlinson Calkins Marble 1976]
[van Roessel Forsnight 1985]
[Wells 1984]
[Woodwark 1986]

Referenced by

  1. Andrew Westlake, I. Kleinschmidt: The Implementation of Area and Membership Retrievals in Point Geography using SQL. SSDBM 1990: 200-218
  2. Andrew Westlake: Geographical Database Systems and Statistical Information -Panel. SSDBM 1988: 420-426
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