Statistical Data Management Research at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.

Paul Chan, Susan J. Eggers, Fredric C. Gey, Harvard Holmes, Peter Kreps, John McCarthy, Deane Merrill, Frank Olken, Arie Shoshani, Harry K. T. Wong: Statistical Data Management Research at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. SSDBM 1983: 273-279
  author    = {Paul Chan and
               Susan J. Eggers and
               Fredric C. Gey and
               Harvard Holmes and
               Peter Kreps and
               John McCarthy and
               Deane Merrill and
               Frank Olken and
               Arie Shoshani and
               Harry K. T. Wong},
  editor    = {Roy Hammond and
               John L. McCarthy},
  title     = {Statistical Data Management Research at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Statistical
               Database Management, Los Altos, California, USA, September 27-29,
  publisher = {Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory},
  year      = {1983},
  pages     = {273-279},
  ee        = {db/conf/ssdbm/ChanEGHKMMOSW83.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/ssdbm/83},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


This paper summarizes current research on statistical database management issues at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. This research includes development of prototype systems as well as analytic work on user interfaces, physical organization, hardware architecture, and database modeling.

ACM SIGMOD Anthology

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Printed Edition

Roy Hammond, John L. McCarthy (Eds.): Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Statistical Database Management, Los Altos, California, USA, September 27-29, 1983. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 1983
Contents BibTeX


Paul Chan, Arie Shoshani: SUBJECT: A Directory Driven System for Organizing and Accessing Large Statistical Databases. VLDB 1981: 553-563 BibTeX
Dorothy E. Denning, Wesley Nicholson, Gordon Sande, Arie Shoshani: Research Topics in Statistical Database Management. SSDBM 1983: 46-51 BibTeX
Susan J. Eggers, Arie Shoshani: Efficient Access of Compressed Data. VLDB 1980: 205-211 BibTeX
Susan J. Eggers, Frank Olken, Arie Shoshani: A Compression Technique for Large Statistical Data-Bases. VLDB 1981: 424-434 BibTeX
Fredric C. Gey: Data Definition for Statistical Summary Data or Appearances Can Be Deceiving. SSDBM 1981: 3-18 BibTeX
Fredric C. Gey, John McCarthy, Deane Merrill, Harvard Holmes: Computer-Independent Data Compression for Large Statistical Databases. SSDBM 1983: 296-305 BibTeX
Paula B. Hawthorn: Microprocessor Assisted Tuple Access, Decompression and Assembly for Statistical Database Systems. VLDB 1982: 223-233 BibTeX
Rowland R. Johnson: Modelling Summary Data. SIGMOD Conference 1981: 93-97 BibTeX
Rowland R. Johnson: A Data Model for Integrating Statistical Interpretations. SSDBM 1981: 176-189 BibTeX
John L. McCarthy: Metadata Management for Large Statistical Databases. VLDB 1982: 234-243 BibTeX
Deane Merrill, John McCarthy, Fredric C. Gey, Harvard Holmes: Distributed Data Management in a Minicomputer Network: The SEEDIS Experience. SSDBM 1983: 99-103 BibTeX
Arie Shoshani: Statistical Databases: Characteristics, Problems, and some Solutions. VLDB 1982: 208-222 BibTeX
Harry K. T. Wong, Ivy Kuo: GUIDE: Graphical User Interface for Database Exploration. VLDB 1982: 22-32 BibTeX

Referenced by

  1. John C. Klensin, Roselyn M. Romberg: Statistical Data Management Requirements and the SQL Standards - An Evolving Comparison. SSDBM 1988: 19-38
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