Data Manipulation Languages for Statistical Databases - the Statistical Analysis System (SAS).
Arnold W. Bragg:
Data Manipulation Languages for Statistical Databases - the Statistical Analysis System (SAS).
SSDBM 1981: 147-150@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ssdbm/Bragg81,
author = {Arnold W. Bragg},
editor = {Harry K. T. Wong},
title = {Data Manipulation Languages for Statistical Databases - the Statistical
Analysis System (SAS)},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the First LBL Workshop on Statistical Database
Management, Melno Park, California, USA, December 2-4, 1981},
publisher = {Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory},
year = {1981},
pages = {147-150},
ee = {db/conf/ssdbm/Bragg81.html},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/ssdbm/81},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
Several important data manipulation issues of statistical
databases are discussed with respect to their treatment and implementation in SAS.
The issues are: why aren't conventional
database management systems used for statistical data; what data
manipulation capabilities are important and which have been
incorporated into SAS; what are the strengths and weaknesses of
SAS with regard to data manipulation; how does SAS store data
manipulation metadata and how can users extract this metadata;
what data manipulation capabilities of SAS are particularly
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Printed Edition
Harry K. T. Wong (Ed.):
Proceedings of the First LBL Workshop on Statistical Database Management, Melno Park, California, USA, December 2-4, 1981.
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 1982
Contents BibTeX
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- [DAT]
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Referenced by
- Don S. Batory:
Index Coding: A Compression Technique for Large Statistical Databases.
SSDBM 1983: 306-314
- G. Barsottini, J. C. Farget:
A Statistical Data Manipulation Language.
SSDBM 1983: 178-186
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