3. SIIT 2003:
The Netherlands
3rd IEEE Conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology (SIIT 2003), 22-24 October 2003, Delft, The Netherlands.
IEEE 2003, ISBN 0-7803-8172-6 BibTeX
title = {3rd IEEE Conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information
Technology (SIIT 2003), 22-24 October 2003, Delft, The Netherlands},
booktitle = {SIIT},
publisher = {IEEE},
year = {2003},
isbn = {0-7803-8172-6},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- John L. Hill:
ICT standardization: changing the world for a better tomorrow.
21-23 BibTeX
- Knut Blind:
Patent pools-a solution to patent conflicts in standardisation and an instrument of technology transfer: the MP3 case.
27-35 BibTeX
- Knut Blind, Nikolaus Thumm:
Interdependencies between intellectual property protection and standardisation strategies.
37-50 BibTeX
- François Bousquet:
Dealing with standardization: do you need a guru? Paradoxes and tricks of standardization management.
51-57 BibTeX
- Massimo Cardaci, Jim Isaak:
Standards and Web site credibility.
59-65 BibTeX
- Heidi Coenen:
Standardisation and innovation in mobile communication markets: the sequence of technology generations.
67-73 BibTeX
- Tineke M. Egyedi, Ajantha Dahanayake:
Difficulties implementing standards.
75-84 BibTeX
- Tineke M. Egyedi, Ruben van Wendel de Joode:
Standards and coordination in open source software.
85-97 BibTeX
- Patrick Feng:
Studying standardization: a review of the literature.
99-112 BibTeX
- Martina H. Gerst:
The role of standardisation in the context of e-collaboration: a snap shot.
113-119 BibTeX
- Ernst Kesseler:
Consistent safety objectives and COTS versus fragmented certification practises and good safety records: air transport dilemma in need of innovation.
121-134 BibTeX
- Rutger Kramer, Laurents Sesink:
Framework for photographic archives interoperability.
135-140 BibTeX
- Ken Krechmer:
Face the FACS.
141-148 BibTeX
- Gary Lea:
A review of legal & related developments affecting IT technical standardization activities in the US & EU from 2001-2003.
149-159 BibTeX
- Ivo Maathuis, Wim A. Smit:
The battle between standards: TCP/IP Vs OSI victory through path dependency or by quality?
161-176 BibTeX
- Scott Moseley, Steve Randall, Anthony Wiles:
Experience within ETSI of the combined roles of conformance testing and interoperability testing.
177-189 BibTeX
- Eric Pardede, J. Wenny Rahayu, David Taniar:
New SQL standard for object-relational database applications.
191-203 BibTeX
- Sangin Park:
Strategic maneuvering and standardization in the presence of network externalities: a simulation study of the VCR case.
205-214 BibTeX
- Andries van Renssen:
Gellish: an information representation language, knowledge base and ontology.
215-228 BibTeX
- Timothy Schoechle:
Digital enclosure: the privatization of standards and standardization.
229-240 BibTeX
- M. H. Sherif:
Technology substitution and standardization in telecommunication services.
241-252 BibTeX
- Eva Söderström:
Casting the standards play - which are the roles?
253-260 BibTeX
- Alexander Voß, Rob Procter, Mark Hartswood, Roger Slack, James Soutter, Robin Williams, Mark Rouncefield:
End-user participation in standards making? Taking the practical work of standards selection, configuration and use seriously.
261-269 BibTeX
- Marc van Wegberg:
The grand coalition versus competing coalitions: trade-offs in how to standardize.
271-284 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:41:24 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)