2. SIIT 2001:
Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology, SIIT 2001, Boulder, CO, USA, October 3-6, 2001.
IEEE 2001, ISBN 0-7803-9817-3 BibTeX
title = {Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Conference on Standardization and
Innovation in Information Technology, SIIT 2001, Boulder, CO,
USA, October 3-6, 2001},
booktitle = {SIIT},
publisher = {IEEE},
year = {2001},
isbn = {0-7803-9817-3},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- Eric J. Iversen:
Raising standards: innovation and the emerging global standardization environment for ICTs.
13-24 BibTeX
- Anri Kivimäki, Francis Vladislav Fomin:
What makes a killer application for the cellular telephony services?
25-37 BibTeX
- Tineke M. Egyedi, Arjan Loeffen:
Succession in standardization: Grafting XML onto SGML.
38-49 BibTeX
- Björn Hjelm, Kevin Long:
Standards, strategy and wireless network planning.
50-55 BibTeX
- K. Kosanke, J. de Meer:
Consistent terminology-a problem in standardisation. State of art report of enterprise engineering.
56-61 BibTeX
- Joel West:
Qualcomm's standards strategy.
62-76 BibTeX
- Kenneth Wacks:
The successes and failures of standardization in home systems.
77-88 BibTeX
- Hank de Vries:
Standardization-a new discipline?
91-105 BibTeX
- Ken Krechmer, Elaine Baskin:
Standards, information and communications: a conceptual basis for a mathematical understanding of technical standards.
106-114 BibTeX
- Edmundo Tovar, Jesús Cardeñosa:
A descriptive structure to assess the maturity of a standard: application to the UNL system.
115-124 BibTeX
- Michel de Vecchis:
IEC sector board 4, infrastructure of telecommunication networks: introducing the views of the market into the standardization process.
127-132 BibTeX
- Kai Jakobs:
A broader view on some forces shaping standardisation.
133-143 BibTeX
- Elaine Baskin:
Reporting on standards committee meetings: a step toward open standards.
144-148 BibTeX
- David Allen:
Innovation and standardization: Yin and Yang for policy in motion.
149-153 BibTeX
- Mark A. Lemley:
Antitrust, Intellectual Property, and Standard Setting Organizations.
157-169 BibTeX
- J. A. Montanye:
Standardizing protection for property rights in information and information technology: a law and economics perspective.
170-175 BibTeX
- Hugh Carter Donahue, Josephine Ferrigno-Stack:
Quality of service monitoring: a timely idea.
176-182 BibTeX
- Roger Marks, Robert E. Hebner:
Government activity to increase benefits from the global standards system.
183-190 BibTeX
- Soontaraporn Techapalokul, James Alleman, Yongmin Chen:
Economics of standard: a survey and framework.
193-205 BibTeX
- Marc van Wegberg:
Switching costs and the choice of a standard setting process.
206-216 BibTeX
- Mark Gaynor, Scott Bradner, Marco Lansiti, H. T. King:
The real options approach to standards for building network-based services.
217-228 BibTeX
- Peter Buxmann:
Network effects on standard software markets: a simulation model to examine pricing strategies.
229-240 BibTeX
- Sangin Park:
Strategic subsidization in the presence of indirect network externality: implications for the Microsoft case.
241-252 BibTeX
- Allen W. Palmer:
Mass communication and the problem of standardization of space and time in the public sphere.
255-262 BibTeX
- Eva Söderström:
The role of standardisation in inter-organisational business processes.
263-271 BibTeX
- J. Rice:
Collaboration and competition in emerging standards: an assessment of the implications for knowledge management.
272-281 BibTeX
- Junghoon Kim, Tomoaki Watanabe:
Standardization of the early Internet: a search for socio-institutional factors.
282-291 BibTeX
- Luis E. Anido-Rifón, Martín Llamas Nistal:
A contribution to the e-learning standardization.
295-309 BibTeX
- Arkalgud Ramaprasad, King-Tim Mak:
Standardization as a knowledge game.
310-314 BibTeX
- Wilfried Hesser, Marion Hartung:
Appraisal of the current and future situation for telelearning in the field of standardization: some remarks based on experience gained from the project Telelearning for Standardization within the EU.
315-319 BibTeX
- Neil Pollock, James Cornford:
Customising industry standard computer systems for universities: ERP systems and the university as a 'unique' organisation.
320-331 BibTeX
- Jörg Köller, Alexander Kuckelberg:
CAPE-OPEN (CO) standards: implementation and maintenance.
335-338 BibTeX
- Petrie Coetzee:
A framework for consideration of innovation and standardization: sense-seeking systems.
339-342 BibTeX
- Björn Hjelm:
ITU's role in the standardization of IMT-2000 and beyond.
343-347 BibTeX
- Steven Shapiro, Barnaby Richards, Michael Rinow, Timothy Schoechle:
Hybrid standards setting solutions for today's convergent telecommunications market.
348-351 BibTeX
- Amy Zuckerman:
Standards and high tech consortia: tools the experts use to monitor and affect technology trends.
352-366 BibTeX
- J. Grauer:
Gaming standards and innovation.
367-370 BibTeX
- R. Vinaja, Mahesh S. Raisinghani:
A review of the standards making process in the telecommunications industry: challenges and potential solutions.
371-374 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:41:24 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)