The Multimedia Object Presentation Manager of MINOS: A Symmetric Approach.

Stavros Christodoulakis, F. Ho, M. Theodoridou: The Multimedia Object Presentation Manager of MINOS: A Symmetric Approach. SIGMOD Conference 1986: 295-310
  author    = {Stavros Christodoulakis and
               F. Ho and
               M. Theodoridou},
  editor    = {Carlo Zaniolo},
  title     = {The Multimedia Object Presentation Manager of MINOS: A Symmetric
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1986 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on
               Management of Data, Washington, D.C., May 28-30, 1986},
  publisher = {ACM Press},
  year      = {1986},
  pages     = {295-310},
  ee        = {, db/conf/sigmod/ChrstodoulakisHT86.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/sigmod/86},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


Large multimedia data bases become feasible due to recent advances in hardware technology. A very important component of multimedia data base management systems will be the presentation manager which will be responsible for effective multimedia presentation and browsing on the screen of workstations.

In this paper we present the functions provided for multimedia presentation and browsing in MINOS, a multimedia information system. The presentation and browsing capabilities provided make effective use of the capabilities of a modern workstation to increase the man-machine communication bandwidth. We regard voice as an important means of communication. Symmetric capabilities for text and voice browsing are provided.

Copyright © 1986 by the ACM, Inc., used by permission. Permission to make digital or hard copies is granted provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct commercial advantage, and that copies show this notice on the first page or initial screen of a display along with the full citation.

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Carlo Zaniolo (Ed.): Proceedings of the 1986 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Washington, D.C., May 28-30, 1986. ACM Press 1986 BibTeX , SIGMOD Record 15(2)

Online Edition: ACM Digital Library


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Referenced by

  1. Eitetsu Oomoto, Katsumi Tanaka: OVID: Design and Implementation of a Video-Object Database System. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 5(4): 629-643(1993)
  2. Zheng Lin, Christos Faloutsos: Frame-Sliced Signature Files. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 4(3): 281-289(1992)
  3. Masahide Ohtomo, Hideto Ikeda: Map-Oriented Visual Language: MOL. DASFAA 1989: 10-17
  4. Yoshifumi Masunaga: An Object-Oriented Approach to Multimedia Database Orgenization and Management. DASFAA 1989: 190-200
  5. Joan Peckham, Fred J. Maryanski: Semantic Data Models. ACM Comput. Surv. 20(3): 153-189(1988)
  6. Christos Faloutsos, Raphael Chan: Fast Text Access Methods for Optical and Large Magnetic Disks: Designs and Performance Comparison. VLDB 1988: 280-293
  7. Stavros Christodoulakis: Analysis of Retrieval Performance for Records and Objects Using Optical Disk Technology. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 12(2): 137-169(1987)
  8. Darrell Woelk, Won Kim: Multimedia Information Management in an Object-Oriented Database System. VLDB 1987: 319-329
  9. Michel E. Adiba: Modeling Complex Objects for Multimedia Databases. ER 1986: 89-117
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