Automatic Indexing Based on Bayesian Inference Networks.
Kostas Tzeras, Stephan Hartmann:
Automatic Indexing Based on Bayesian Inference Networks.
SIGIR 1993: 22-34@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/sigir/TzerasH93,
author = {Kostas Tzeras and
Stephan Hartmann},
editor = {Robert Korfhage and
Edie M. Rasmussen and
Peter Willett 0002},
title = {Automatic Indexing Based on Bayesian Inference Networks},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference
on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. Pittsburgh,
PA, USA, June 27 - July 1, 1993},
publisher = {ACM},
year = {1993},
isbn = {0-89791-605-0},
pages = {22-34},
ee = {db/conf/sigir/TzerasH93.html},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/sigir/93},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
In this paper, a Bayesian inference network model for automatic indexing with index terms
(descriptors) from a prescribed vocabulary is presented. It requires an indexing dictionary with rules
mapping terms of the respective subject field onto descriptors and inverted lists for terms occuring in
a set of documents of the subject field and descriptors manually assigned to these documents. The
indexing dictionary can be derived automatically from a set of manually indexed documents. An
application of the network model is described, followed by an indexing example and some
experimental results about the indexing performance of the network model.
Copyright © 1993 by the ACM,
Inc., used by permission. Permission to make
digital or hard copies is granted provided that
copies are not made or distributed for profit or
direct commercial advantage, and that copies show
this notice on the first page or initial screen of
a display along with the full citation.
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Printed Edition
Robert Korfhage, Edie M. Rasmussen, Peter Willett (Eds.):
Proceedings of the 16th Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. Pittsburgh, PA, USA, June 27 - July 1, 1993.
ACM 1993, ISBN 0-89791-605-0
Contents BibTeX
Citation page
Referenced by
- Inien Syu, Sheau-Dong Lang, Kien A. Hua:
A Heuristic Information Retrieval Model on a Massively Parallel Processor.
ICDE 1995: 365-372
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