OLAP and Statistical Databases: Similarities and Differences.
Arie Shoshani:
OLAP and Statistical Databases: Similarities and Differences.
PODS 1997: 185-196@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/pods/Shoshani97,
author = {Arie Shoshani},
title = {OLAP and Statistical Databases: Similarities and Differences},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium
on Principles of Database Systems, May 12-14, 1997, Tucson, Arizona},
publisher = {ACM Press},
year = {1997},
isbn = {0-89791-910-6},
pages = {185-196},
ee = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/263661.263682, db/conf/pods/Shoshani97.html},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/pods/97},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
During the 1980's there was a lot of activity in the area of Statistical
Databases, focusing mostly on socio-economic type applications, such as
census data, national production and consumption patterns, etc. Tn the
1990's the area of On-Line-Analytic Processing (OLAP) was introduced for
the analysis of transaction based business data, such as retail stores
transactions. Both areas deal with the representation and support of data
in a multi-dimensional space. Much of the OLAP literature does not refer
to the Statistical Database literature, perhaps because the connection
between analyzing business data and socio-economic data is not obvious.
Furthermore, there are papers published in one area or the other whose
results can be applied in both application areas.
In this paper, we compare the work done in these two areas. We discuss
concepts used in the conceptual modeling of the data and operations over
them, efficient physical organization and access methods, as well as privacy
issues. We point out the terminology used and the correspondence between
terms. We identify which research aspects are emphasized in each of these
areas and the reasons for that. We conclude by arguing for the support of
a Statistical Object data type as one of the fundamental structures that
object-oriented data models and systems should support.
Copyright © 1997 by the ACM,
Inc., used by permission. Permission to make
digital or hard copies is granted provided that
copies are not made or distributed for profit or
direct commercial advantage, and that copies show
this notice on the first page or initial screen of
a display along with the full citation.
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Printed Edition
Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, May 12-14, 1997, Tucson, Arizona.
ACM Press 1997, ISBN 0-89791-910-6
Contents BibTeX
[Index Terms]
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Slides of the Tutorial
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- Rakesh Agrawal, Ashish Gupta, Sunita Sarawagi:
Modeling Multidimensional Databases.
ICDE 1997: 232-243 BibTeX
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- [CS81]
- Paul Chan, Arie Shoshani:
SUBJECT: A Directory Driven System for Organizing and Accessing Large Statistical Databases.
VLDB 1981: 553-563 BibTeX
- [CD+95]
- Ling Tony Chen, R. Drach, M. Keating, S. Louis, Doron Rotem, Arie Shoshani:
Efficient organization and access of multi-dimensional datasets on tertiary storage systems.
Inf. Syst. 20(2): 155-183(1995) BibTeX
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- [DS80]
- Dorothy E. Denning, Jan Schlörer:
A Fast Procedure for Finding a Tracker in a Statistical Database.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 5(1): 88-102(1980) BibTeX
- [EOA81]
- Susan J. Eggers, Frank Olken, Arie Shoshani:
A Compression Technique for Large Statistical Data-Bases.
VLDB 1981: 424-434 BibTeX
- [GB+96]
- Jim Gray, Adam Bosworth, Andrew Layman, Hamid Pirahesh:
Data Cube: A Relational Aggregation Operator Generalizing Group-By, Cross-Tab, and Sub-Total.
ICDE 1996: 152-159 BibTeX
- [HUR96]
- Venky Harinarayan, Anand Rajaraman, Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Implementing Data Cubes Efficiently.
SIGMOD Conference 1996: 205-216 BibTeX
- [LRT96]
- Wolfgang Lehner, Thomas Ruf, Michael Teschke:
CROSS-DB: A Feature-Extended Multidimensional Data Model for Statistical and Scientific Databases.
CIKM 1996: 253-260 BibTeX
- [LS97]
- Hans-Joachim Lenz, Arie Shoshani:
Summarizability in OLAP and Statistical Data Bases.
SSDBM 1997: 132-143 BibTeX
- [MRS92]
- Leonardo Meo-Evoli, Fabrizio L. Ricci, Arie Shoshani:
On the Semantic Completeness of Macro-Data Operators for Statistical Aggregation.
SSDBM 1992: 239-258 BibTeX
- [MicroStrategy]
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- [OR95]
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- [OOM85]
- Gultekin Özsoyoglu, Z. Meral Özsoyoglu, Francisco Mata:
A Language and a Physical Organization Technique for Summary Tables.
SIGMOD Conference 1985: 3-16 BibTeX
- [RS90]
- Maurizio Rafanelli, Arie Shoshani:
STORM: A Statistical Object Representation Model.
SSDBM 1990: 14-29 BibTeX
- [RZ86]
- Doron Rotem, J. Leon Zhao:
Extendible Arrays for Statistical Databases and OLAP Applications.
SSDBM 1996: 108-117 BibTeX
- [RKR97]
- Nick Roussopoulos, Yannis Kotidis, Mema Roussopoulos:
Cubetree: Organization of and Bulk Updates on the Data Cube.
SIGMOD Conference 1997: 89-99 BibTeX
- [SS94]
- Sunita Sarawagi, Michael Stonebraker:
Efficient Organization of Large Multidimensional Arrays.
ICDE 1994: 328-336 BibTeX
- [S82]
- Arie Shoshani:
Statistical Databases: Characteristics, Problems, and some Solutions.
VLDB 1982: 208-222 BibTeX
- [THC79]
- M. J. Turner, R. Hammond, P. Cotton:
A DBMS for Large Statistical Databases.
VLDB 1979: 319-327 BibTeX
- [WL+85]
- Harry K. T. Wong, Hsiu-Fen Liu, Frank Olken, Doron Rotem, Linda Wong:
Bit Transposed Files.
VLDB 1985: 448-457 BibTeX
- [ZDN97]
- Yihong Zhao, Prasad Deshpande, Jeffrey F. Naughton:
An Array-Based Algorithm for Simultaneous Multidimensional Aggregates.
SIGMOD Conference 1997: 159-170 BibTeX
Referenced by
- Elaheh Pourabbas, Maurizio Rafanelli:
Hierarchies and Relative Operators in the OLAP Environment.
SIGMOD Record 29(1): 32-37(2000)
- Stéphane Grumbach, Leonardo Tininini:
On the Content of Materialized Aggregate Views.
PODS 2000: 47-57
- Panos Vassiliadis, Timos K. Sellis:
A Survey of Logical Models for OLAP Databases.
SIGMOD Record 28(4): 64-69(1999)
- Stéphane Grumbach, Maurizio Rafanelli, Leonardo Tininini:
Querying Aggregate Data.
PODS 1999: 174-184
- Torben Bach Pedersen, Christian S. Jensen:
Multidimensional Data Modeling for Complex Data.
ICDE 1999: 336-345
- Elaheh Pourabbas, Maurizio Rafanelli:
Characterization of Hierarchies and Some Operators in OLAP Environment.
DOLAP 1999: 54-59
- Panos Vassiliadis:
Modeling Multidimensional Databases, Cubes and Cube Operations.
SSDBM 1998: 53-62
- Torben Bach Pedersen, Christian S. Jensen:
Research Issues in Clinical Data Warehousing.
SSDBM 1998: 43-52
- Zuotao Li, Xiaoyang Sean Wang, Menas Kafatos, Ruixin Yang:
A Pyramid Data Model for Supporting Content-Based Browsing and Knowledge Discovery.
SSDBM 1998: 170-179
- Wolfgang Lehner, Jens Albrecht, Hartmut Wedekind:
Normal Forms for Multidimensional Databases.
SSDBM 1998: 63-72
- Luca Cabibbo, Riccardo Torlone:
From a Procedural to a Visual Query Language for OLAP.
SSDBM 1998: 74-83
- Stijn Dekeyser, Bart Kuijpers, Jan Paredaens, Jef Wijsen:
Nested Data Cubes for OLAP (Extended Abstract).
ER Workshops 1998: 129-140
- Wolfgang Lehner:
Modelling Large Scale OLAP Scenarios.
EDBT 1998: 153-167
- Luca Cabibbo, Riccardo Torlone:
A Logical Approach to Multidimensional Databases.
EDBT 1998: 183-197
- Barbara Dinter, Carsten Sapia, Gabriele Höfling, Markus Blaschka:
The OLAP Market: State of the Art and Research Issues.
DOLAP 1998: 22-27
- Peter Baumann, Paula Furtado, Roland Ritsch, Norbert Widmann:
Geo/Environmental and Medical Data Management in the RasDaMan System.
VLDB 1997: 548-552
- Luca Cabibbo, Riccardo Torlone:
Querying Multidimensional Databases.
DBPL 1997: 319-335
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