Untyped Sets, Invention, and Computable Queries.
Richard Hull, Jianwen Su:
Untyped Sets, Invention, and Computable Queries.
PODS 1989: 347-359@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/pods/HullS89,
author = {Richard Hull and
Jianwen Su},
title = {Untyped Sets, Invention, and Computable Queries},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eighth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium
on Principles of Database Systems, March 29-31, 1989, Philadelphia,
publisher = {ACM Press},
year = {1989},
isbn = {0-89791-308-6},
pages = {347-359},
ee = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/73721.73755, db/conf/pods/HullS89.html},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/pods/89},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Conventional database query languages are considered in the context of untyped sets. The algebra
without while has the expressive power of the typed
complex object algebra. The algebra plus while, and COL with untyped sets (under stratified semantics or inflationary semantics) have the power of the computable queries. The calculus has power beyond the computable queries; and is characterized using the typed complex object calculus with invention. The Bancilhon-Khoshafian calculus is also discussed. A technical tool, called "generic Turing machine", is introduced and used in several of the proofs.
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Inc., used by permission. Permission to make
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Printed Edition
Proceedings of the Eighth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, March 29-31, 1989, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
ACM Press 1989, ISBN 0-89791-308-6
Contents BibTeX
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- Serge Abiteboul, Catriel Beeri:
The Power of Languages for the Manipulation of Complex Values.
VLDB J. 4(4): 727-794(1995) BibTeX
- [ACO85]
- Antonio Albano, Luca Cardelli, Renzo Orsini:
Galileo: A Strongly-Typed, Interactive Conceptual Language.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 10(2): 230-260(1985) BibTeX
- [AG87]
- Serge Abiteboul, Stéphane Grumbach:
COL: A Logic-Based Language for Complex Objects.
DBPL 1987: 347-374 BibTeX
- [AGSS86]
- ...
- [AV87]
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- [AV88]
- Serge Abiteboul, Victor Vianu:
Procedural and Declarative Database Update Languages.
PODS 1988: 240-250 BibTeX
- [BBKV87]
- François Bancilhon, Ted Briggs, Setrag Khoshafian, Patrick Valduriez:
FAD, a Powerful and Simple Database Language.
VLDB 1987: 97-105 BibTeX
- [BK86]
- François Bancilhon, Setrag Khoshafian:
A Calculus for Complex Objects.
PODS 1986: 53-60 BibTeX
- [BNR*87]
- Catriel Beeri, Shamim A. Naqvi, Raghu Ramakrishnan, Oded Shmueli, Shalom Tsur:
Sets and Negation in a Logic Database Language (LDL1).
PODS 1987: 21-37 BibTeX
- [CH80]
- Ashok K. Chandra, David Harel:
Computable Queries for Relational Data Bases.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 21(2): 156-178(1980) BibTeX
- [CM84]
- George P. Copeland, David Maier:
Making Smalltalk a Database System.
SIGMOD Conference 1984: 316-325 BibTeX
- [Cod70]
- E. F. Codd:
A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks.
Commun. ACM 13(6): 377-387(1970) BibTeX
- [GvG88]
- Marc Gyssens, Dirk Van Gucht:
The Powerset Algebra as a Result of Adding Programming Constructs to the Nested Relational Algebra.
SIGMOD Conference 1988: 225-232 BibTeX
- [HK87]
- Richard Hull, Roger King:
Semantic Database Modeling: Survey, Applications, and Research Issues.
ACM Comput. Surv. 19(3): 201-260(1987) BibTeX
- [HS88a]
- Richard Hull, Jianwen Su:
On the Expressive Power of Database Queries with Intermediate Types.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 43(1): 219-267(1991) BibTeX
- [Hs88b]
- Richard Hull, Jianwen Su:
On the Expressive Power of Database Queries with Intermediate Types.
PODS 1988: 39-51 BibTeX
- [HS89]
- Richard Hull, Jianwen Su:
Domain Independence and the Relational Calculus.
Acta Inf. 31(6): 513-524(1994) BibTeX
- [Hul87]
- ...
- [Kol87]
- Phokion G. Kolaitis:
The Expressive Power of Stratified Programs.
Inf. Comput. 90(1): 50-66(1991) BibTeX
- [KP88]
- Phokion G. Kolaitis, Christos H. Papadimitriou:
Why Not Negation by Fixpoint?
PODS 1988: 231-239 BibTeX
- [KV84]
- Gabriel M. Kuper, Moshe Y. Vardi:
A New Approach to Database Logic.
PODS 1984: 86-96 BibTeX
- [KV88]
- Gabriel M. Kuper, Moshe Y. Vardi:
On the Complexity of Queries in the Logical Data Model (Extended Abstract).
ICDT 1988: 267-280 BibTeX
- [PvG88]
- Jan Paredaens, Dirk Van Gucht:
Possibilities and Limitations of Using Flat Operators in Nested Algebra Expressions.
PODS 1988: 29-38 BibTeX
- [RKS85]
- ...
Referenced by
- Sergei G. Vorobyov, Andrei Voronkov:
Complexity of Nonrecursive Logic Programs with Complex Values.
PODS 1998: 244-253
- Dan Suciu:
Domain-Independent Queries on Databases with External Functions.
ICDT 1995: 177-190
- Stéphane Grumbach, Tova Milo:
An Algebra for Pomsets.
ICDT 1995: 191-207
- Serge Abiteboul, Richard Hull, Victor Vianu:
Foundations of Databases.
Addison-Wesley 1995, ISBN 0-201-53771-0
Contents - Latha S. Colby, Edward L. Robertson, Lawrence V. Saxton, Dirk Van Gucht:
A Query Language for List-Based Complex Objects.
PODS 1994: 179-189
- Stéphane Grumbach, Tova Milo:
Towards Tractable Algebras for Bags.
PODS 1993: 49-58
- Dan Suciu:
Bounded Fixpoints for Complex Objects.
DBPL 1993: 263-281
- Stéphane Grumbach, Tova Milo, Yoram Kornatzky:
Calculi for Bags and their Complexity.
DBPL 1993: 65-79
- Jan Van den Bussche, Dirk Van Gucht:
PODS 1992: 191-201
- Serge Abiteboul, Stéphane Grumbach:
A Rule-Based Language with Functions and Sets.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 16(1): 1-30(1991)
- Yeh-Heng Sheng:
A Non-deterministic Deductive Database Language.
SIGMOD Conference 1991: 188-197
- Neil Immerman, Sushant Patnaik, David W. Stemple:
The Expressiveness of a Family of Finite Set Languages.
PODS 1991: 37-52
- Stéphane Grumbach, Victor Vianu:
Tractable Query Languages for Complex Object Databases.
PODS 1991: 315-327
- Peter Sander:
Specifying Operations for Nested Relations by Rules and Partial Orders.
MFDBS 1991: 44-58
- Guozhu Dong:
On the Monotonicity of (LDL) Logic Programs with Sets.
MFDBS 1991: 201-215
- Stéphane Grumbach, Victor Vianu:
Expressiveness and Complexity of Restricted Languages for Complex Objects.
DBPL 1991: 111-122
- Guozhu Dong, Jianwen Su:
Object Behaviors and Scripts.
DBPL 1991: 383-398
- Yves Caseau:
The LAURE Model for Object-Oriented Logic Databases.
DASFAA 1991: 411-420
- Yeh-Heng Sheng:
IDLOG: Extending the Expressive Power of Deductive Database Languages.
SIGMOD Conference 1990: 54-63
- Stéphane Grumbach, Victor Vianu:
Playing Games with Objects.
ICDT 1990: 25-38
- Catriel Beeri, Yoram Kornatzky:
The Many Faces of Query Monotonicity.
EDBT 1990: 120-135
- Richard Hull, Jianwen Su:
On Accessing Object-Oriented Databases: Expressive Power, Complexity, and Restrictions (Extended Abstract).
SIGMOD Conference 1989: 147-158
- Serge Abiteboul, Paris C. Kanellakis:
Object Identity as a Query Language Primitive.
SIGMOD Conference 1989: 159-173
- Richard Hull, Jianwen Su:
On Bulk Data type Constructors and Manipulation Primitives: A Framework for Analyzing Power and Complexity.
DBPL 1989: 396-410
- Serge Abiteboul, Stéphane Grumbach, Agnès Voisard, Emmanuel Waller:
An Extensible Rule-Based Language with Complex Objects and data-Functions.
DBPL 1989: 298-314
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