IFIP TC7 Publications
Systems, Control, Modeling and Optimization 2006: Turin, Italy
F. Ceragioli, Asen L. Dontchev, H. Furuta, K. Marti, Luciano Pandolfi (Eds.):
Systems, Control, Modeling and Optimization, Proceedings of the 22nd IFIP TC7 Conference held from July 18-22, 2005, in Turin, Italy.
IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 202 Springer/Springer 2006, ISBN 0-387-33881-0
Contents BibTeX
System Modelling and Optimization 2005: Turin, Italy
F. Ceragioli, Asen L. Dontchev, H. Futura, K. Marti, Luciano Pandolfi (Eds.):
System Modeling and Optimization, Proceedings of the 22nd IFIP TC7 Conference held from July 18-22, 2005, in Turin, Italy.
IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 199 Springer 2006, ISBN 0-387-32774-6
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System Modelling and Optimization 2001: Trier, Germany
Ekkehard W. Sachs, Rainer Tichatschke (Eds.):
System Modelling and Optimization XX, IFIP TC7 20th Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, July 23-27, 2001, Trier, Germany.
IFIP Conference Proceedings 258 Kluwer 2003, ISBN 1-4020-7565-0
Contents BibTeX
- System Modelling and Optimization 2001 Home Page
System Modelling and Optimization 1999: Cambridge, UK
M. J. D. Powell, S. Scholtes (Eds.):
System Modelling and Optimization: Methods, Theory and Applications, 19th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, July 12-16, 1999, Cambridge, UK.
IFIP Conference Proceedings 174 Kluwer 2000, ISBN 0-7923-7881-4
Contents BibTeX
Modelling the Innovation 1990: Rome, Italy
M. Carnevale, Mario Lucertini, S. Nicosia (Eds.):
Modelling the Innovation: Communications, Automation and Information Systems, Proceedings of the IFIP TC7 Conference on Modelling the Innovation: Communications, Automation and Information Systems, Rome, Italy, 21-23 March, 1990.
North-Holland 1990, ISBN 0-444-88565-X
Contents BibTeX
Optimization Techniques 1975: Nice, France
Jean Cea (Ed.):
Optimization Techniques: Modeling and Optimization in the Service of Man, Part 1 - Proceedings, 7th IFIP Conference, Nice, September 8-12, 1975.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 40 Springer 1976, ISBN 3-540-07622-0
Contents BibTeX
Jean Cea (Ed.):
Optimization Techniques: Modeling and Optimization in the Service of Man, Part 2 - Proceedings, 7th IFIP Conference, Nice, September 8-12, 1975.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 41 Springer 1976, ISBN 3-540-07623-9
Contents BibTeX
Optimization Techniques 1974: Novosibirsk, USSR
Guri I. Marchuk (Ed.):
Optimization Techniques, IFIP Technical Conference, Novosibirsk, USSR, July 1-7, 1974.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 27 Springer 1974, ISBN 3-540-07165-2
Contents BibTeX
Optimization Techniques 1973: Rome, Italy
R. Conti, Antonio Ruberti (Eds.):
5th Conference on Optimization Techniques, Part 1, Rome, Italy, May 7-11, 1973.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3 Springer 1973, ISBN 3-540-06583-0
Contents BibTeX
R. Conti, Antonio Ruberti (Eds.):
5th Conference on Optimization Techniques, Part 2, Rome, Italy, May 7-11, 1973.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4 Springer 1973, ISBN 3-540-06600-4
Contents BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:22:53 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)