Viorel Barbu, Irena Lasiecka, Dan Tiba, Constantin Varsan (Eds.):
Analysis and Optimization of Differential Systems, IFIP TC7/WG7.2 International Worksing Conference on Analysis and Optimization of Differential Systems, September 10-14, 2002, Constanta, Romania.
IFIP Conference Proceedings 249 Kluwer 2003, ISBN 1-4020-7439-5 BibTeX
editor = {Viorel Barbu and
Irena Lasiecka and
Dan Tiba and
Constantin Varsan},
title = {Analysis and Optimization of Differential Systems, IFIP TC7/WG7.2
International Worksing Conference on Analysis and Optimization
of Differential Systems, September 10-14, 2002, Constanta, Romania},
booktitle = {Analysis and Optimization of Differential Systems},
publisher = {Kluwer},
series = {IFIP Conference Proceedings},
volume = {249},
year = {2003},
isbn = {1-4020-7439-5},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
- Sergiu Aizicovici, Hana Petzeltová:
Compactness and long-time stabilization of solutions to phase-field models.
1-12 BibTeX
- Mira-Cristiana Anisiu:
PDEs in the inverse problem of dynamics.
13-20 BibTeX
- Narcisa C. Apreutesei:
Existence and asymptotic behavior for some difference equations associated with accretive operators.
21-30 BibTeX
- Lori Badea:
Convergence rate of a multiplicative Schwarz method for strongly nonlinear variational inequalities.
31-41 BibTeX
- Alina Barbulescu:
New results about the H-measure of a set.
43-48 BibTeX
- Marina Blizorukova:
Positional Modeling in a system with time delay.
49-55 BibTeX
- Francesca Bucci:
Uniform stability of a coupled system of hyperbolic/parabolic PDE's with internal dissipation.
57-68 BibTeX
- Adriana Buica:
Existence of strong solutions of fully nonlinear elliptic equations.
69-76 BibTeX
- John Cagnol, Catherine Lebiedzik:
Free boudnary conditions for intrinsic shell models.
77-88 BibTeX
- Eduardo Casas, Fredi Tröltzsch:
Error estimates for linear-quadratic elliptic control problems.
89-100 BibTeX
- Aurelian Cernea:
Relaxation for quasi-linear differential inclusions in non separable Banach spaces.
101-108 BibTeX
- Igor Chueshov, Irena Lasiecka:
Determining funtionals for a class of second order in time evolution equations with applications to von Karman equations.
109-122 BibTeX
- Silvia-Otilia Corduneanu:
On some cases of Cauchy problem.
123-132 BibTeX
- Vasile Dragan, Toader Morozan, Adrian M. Stoica:
Iterative procedure for stablilizing solutions of differential Riccati type equations arising in stochastic control.
133-144 BibTeX
- F. Fagnani, Luciano Pandolfi:
Recursive deconvolution: an overview of some recent results.
145-156 BibTeX
- Luis A. Fernández, Cecilia Pola:
Determining a semilinear parabolic PDE from final data.
157-168 BibTeX
- G. Freiling, A. Hochhaus:
About a generalized algebraic Riccati equation.
169-178 BibTeX
- Vasile Glavan, Baeriu Gutu:
On the dynamics of contracting relations.
179-188 BibTeX
- Bjørn-Ove Heimsund, Tony F. Chan, Trygve K. Nilssen, Xue-Cheng Tai:
Level set methods for a parameter identification problem.
189-200 BibTeX
- Jacques Henry:
Factorization of elliptic boundary value problems: the QR approach.
201-210 BibTeX
- Daniela Ijacu, Constantin Varsan:
Smooth mappings and non Ft-adapted solutions associated with Mailton-Iacobi stochastic equations.
211-218 BibTeX
- Nicolae Jitarasu:
On the sobolev boundary value problem with singular and regularized boundary conditions for elliptic equations.
219-226 BibTeX
- Adam Kowalewski:
On some optimization problem with non-quadratic criterion.
227-234 BibTeX
- Irena Lasiecka, Roberto Triggiani, X. Zhang:
Nonconservatice Schrödinger equations with unobserved Neumann B.C.: Global uniqueness and observability in one shot.
235-246 BibTeX
- Dmitrii Lozovanu, Dan Stratila:
Optimal flow in dynamic networks with nonlinear cost functions on edges.
247-258 BibTeX
- Vyacheslav Maksimov:
Method of extremal shift in problems of reconstruction of an input for parabolic variational inequalities.
259-268 BibTeX
- Laurentiu Marinovici, Octavian Pastravanu:
Flow-invariance properties for a class of discrete-time nonlinear uncertain systems.
269-280 BibTeX
- Stefan Mirica:
Differential properties of Lipschitz, Hamiltonian and characteristic flows.
281-290 BibTeX
- Gelu Pasa:
The control of Saffman-Taylor instablity.
291-295 BibTeX
- Andrei Perjan:
Singular perturbations of hyperbolic-parabolic type.
297-301 BibTeX
- Dan Popescu, Vladimir Rasvan:
Improved dynamic properties by feedback for systems with delay in control.
303-313 BibTeX
- Vasile Postolica:
General connection between strong optimization and Pareto efficiency.
315-320 BibTeX
- Valeriu Prepelita:
Generalized Ho-Kalman algorithm for 2D continuous discrete linear systems.
321-332 BibTeX
- Angel Manuel Ramos:
Numerical methods for Nash equilibria in multiobjective control of partial differential equations.
333-344 BibTeX
- Carmen Rocsoreanu, Mihaela Sterpu:
Local bifurcation for the FitzHug-Nagumo system.
345-356 BibTeX
- Tomás Roubícek:
Optimization of steady-state flow of incompressible fluids.
357-368 BibTeX
- Cristina Sburlan, Silviu Sburlan:
Topological degree approach to steady state flow.
369-374 BibTeX
- Vasile Sima:
Fast numerical algorithms for Wiener systems identification.
375-386 BibTeX
- Jürgen Sprekels, Dan Tiba:
Optimization of differential systems with hysteresis.
387-398 BibTeX
- Ruxandra Stavre:
Optimal control of non stationary, three dimensional micropolar flows.
399-408 BibTeX
- Adrian M. Stoica, Michael J. Grimble:
An H infinity design method for fault detection and identification problems.
409-419 BibTeX
- Viorica Mariela Ungureanu:
Riccati equations of stochastic control and stochastic uniform observability in infinite dimensions.
421-432 BibTeX
- Mihail Voicu, Octavian Pastravanu:
Componentwise asymptotic stability induced by symmetrical polyhedral time-dependent constraints.
433- BibTeX
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by Michael Ley (