Some Positive Results for Boundedness of Multiple Recursive Rules.

Ke Wang: Some Positive Results for Boundedness of Multiple Recursive Rules. ICDT 1995: 383-396
  author    = {Ke Wang},
  editor    = {Georg Gottlob and
               Moshe Y. Vardi},
  title     = {Some Positive Results for Boundedness of Multiple Recursive Rules},
  booktitle = {Database Theory - ICDT'95, 5th International Conference, Prague,
               Czech Republic, January 11-13, 1995, Proceedings},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume    = {893},
  year      = {1995},
  isbn      = {3-540-58907-4},
  pages     = {383-396},
  ee        = {db/conf/icdt/Wang95.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/icdt/95},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}

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Serge Abiteboul: Boundedness is Undecidable for Datalog Programs with a Single Recursive Rule. Inf. Process. Lett. 32(6): 281-287(1989) BibTeX
Foto N. Afrati, Christos H. Papadimitriou: The Parallel Complexity of Simple Chain Queries. PODS 1987: 210-213 BibTeX
Catriel Beeri, Paris C. Kanellakis, François Bancilhon, Raghu Ramakrishnan: Bounds on the Propagation of Selection into Logic Programs. PODS 1987: 214-226 BibTeX
Stavros S. Cosmadakis, Haim Gaifman, Paris C. Kanellakis, Moshe Y. Vardi: Decidable Optimization Problems for Database Logic Programs (Preliminary Report). STOC 1988: 477-490 BibTeX
Ashok K. Chandra, Philip M. Merlin: Optimal Implementation of Conjunctive Queries in Relational Data Bases. STOC 1977: 77-90 BibTeX
Haim Gaifman, Harry G. Mairson, Yehoshua Sagiv, Moshe Y. Vardi: Undecidable Optimization Problems for Database Logic Programs. LICS 1987: 106-115 BibTeX
Irène Guessarian: Deciding Boundedness for Uniformly Connected Datalog Programs. ICDT 1990: 395-405 BibTeX
Gerd G. Hillebrand, Paris C. Kanellakis, Harry G. Mairson, Moshe Y. Vardi: Tools for Datalog Boundedness. PODS 1991: 1-12 BibTeX
Yannis E. Ioannidis: A Time Bound on the Materialization of some Recursively Defined Views. VLDB 1985: 219-226 BibTeX
Jeffrey F. Naughton, Yehoshua Sagiv: A Decidable Class of Bounded Recursions. PODS 1987: 227-236 BibTeX
Jeffrey F. Naughton: Data Independent Recursion in Deductive Databases. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 38(2): 259-289(1989) BibTeX
Yehoshua Sagiv: On Computing Restricted Projections of Representative Instances. PODS 1985: 171-180 BibTeX
Moshe Y. Vardi: Decidability and Undecidability Results for Boundedness of Linear Recursive Queries. PODS 1988: 341-351 BibTeX

Referenced by

  1. Daniela Florescu, Alon Y. Levy, Dan Suciu: Query Containment for Conjunctive Queries with Regular Expressions. PODS 1998: 139-148
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