Well Founded Semantics and Stable Semantics of Semi-Strict Programs.

Françoise Gire: Well Founded Semantics and Stable Semantics of Semi-Strict Programs. ICDT 1992: 261-275
  author    = {Fran\c{c}oise Gire},
  editor    = {Joachim Biskup and
               Richard Hull},
  title     = {Well Founded Semantics and Stable Semantics of Semi-Strict Programs},
  booktitle = {Database Theory - ICDT'92, 4th International Conference, Berlin,
               Germany, October 14-16, 1992, Proceedings},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume    = {646},
  year      = {1992},
  isbn      = {3-540-56039-4},
  pages     = {261-275},
  ee        = {db/conf/icdt/Gire92.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/icdt/92},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}

ACM SIGMOD Anthology

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Krzysztof R. Apt, Howard A. Blair, Adrian Walker: Towards a Theory of Declarative Knowledge. Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic Programming. 1988: 89-148 BibTeX
Nicole Bidoit, Christine Froidevaux: Negation by Default and Unstratifiable Logic Programs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 78(1): 86-112(1991) BibTeX
Nicole Bidoit: Negation in Rule-Based Database Languages: A Survey. Theor. Comput. Sci. 78(1): 3-83(1991) BibTeX
Jean-Paul Delahaye, V. Thibau: Programming in Three-valued Logic. Theor. Comput. Sci. 78(1): 189-216(1991) BibTeX
Melvin Fitting: A Kripke-Kleene Semantics for Logic Programs. J. Log. Program. 2(4): 295-312(1985) BibTeX
Michael Gelfond, Vladimir Lifschitz: The Stable Model Semantics for Logic Programming. ICLP/SLP 1988: 1070-1080 BibTeX
Françoise Gire: Modèles par défaut des programmes effectivement déterministes. BDA 1990: 71- BibTeX
Kenneth Kunen: Signed Data Dependencies in Logic Programs. J. Log. Program. 7(3): 231-245(1989) BibTeX
John W. Lloyd: Foundations of Logic Programming, 2nd Edition. Springer 1987, ISBN 3-540-18199-7
Christos H. Papadimitriou, Mihalis Yannakakis: Tie-Breaking Semantics and Structural Totality. PODS 1992: 16-22 BibTeX
Teodor C. Przymusinski: On the Declarative Semantics of Deductive Databases and Logic Programs. Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic Programming. 1988: 193-216 BibTeX
Teodor C. Przymusinski: Perfect Model Semantics. ICLP/SLP 1988: 1081-1096 BibTeX
Allen Van Gelder, Kenneth A. Ross, John S. Schlipf: Unfounded Sets and Well-Founded Semantics for General Logic Programs. PODS 1988: 221-230 BibTeX
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