5. IAAI 1993:
Proceedings of the The Fifth Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI 1993), July 11-15, 1993, Washington, DC, USA.
AAAI 1993, ISBN 0-929280-46-6 BibTeX
title = {Proceedings of the The Fifth Conference on Innovative Applications
of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI 1993), July 11-15, 1993, Washington,
booktitle = {IAAI},
publisher = {AAAI},
year = {1993},
isbn = {0-929280-46-6},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- Stu Burton, Kent Swanson, Lisa Leonard:
Quality and Knowledge in Software Engineering.
3-13 BibTeX
- Adam Cunningham, Robert Smart:
Computer-Aided Parts Estimation.
14-25 BibTeX
- Mark A. Dahl:
ESDS: Materials Technology Knowledge Bases Supporting Design of Boeing Jetliners.
26-33 BibTeX
- Richard Frainier, Nicolas Groleau, Lyman Hazelton, Peter Szolovits, Laurence Young, Silvano Colombano, Irving C. Statler, Michael Compton II:
I-in-a-Box: A Knowledge-Based System for Space Science Experimentation.
34-49 BibTeX
- George Gallant, Janet Thygesen:
Digitized Expert PICTures (DEPICT): An Intelligent Information Repository.
50-60 BibTeX
- Peter Holtzman, Ray Fischer:
CESS: A Symptom Driven Diagnostic Shell and Related Applications.
61-74 BibTeX
- Allan Kowalski, Diana Bouchard, Lawrence H. Allen, Yves Larin, Oliver Vadas:
Pitch Expert: A Problem--Solving System for Kraft Mills.
75-94 BibTeX
- Gary Lazarus, Lien Tran, Marty Baade:
OPERA: A Highly Interactive Expert System for Outside Plant Engineering.
95-106 BibTeX
- Arthur J. Levy, Jane E. Oppenlander, David M. Brudnoy, James M. Englund, Kent C. Loomis, Arnold M. Barsky:
Dodger, a Diagnostic Expert System for the Evaluation of Nondestructive Test Data.
107-117 BibTeX
- Joseph McManus, Teresa Garland:
Expanding the Utility of Legacy Systems.
118-125 BibTeX
- Charles S. Moon, Thomas M. Moore, Suheil M. Nasser:
Managing Product Quality By Integrating Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence Technologies.
126-141 BibTeX
- Trung Nguyen, Mary Czerwinski, Dan Lee:
COMPAQ QuickSource: Providing the Consumer with the Power of Artificial Intelligence.
142-151 BibTeX
- Donald D. Pierson, George J. Gallant:
Diagnostic Yield Characterization Expert (DYCE) - A Diagnostic Knowledge Based System Shell for Automated Data Analysis.
152-160 BibTeX
- David Reynolds, Tim Beck:
Tennessee Offender Management Information System.
161-168 BibTeX
- Brian L. Robey, Pamela K. Fink, Sanjeev Venkatesan, Carol L. Redfield, Jerry W. Ferguson:
The DRAIR Advisor: A Knowledge-Based System for Materiel Deficiency Analysis.
169-182 BibTeX
- Jon R. Wright, Elia Weixelbaum, Karen E. Brown, Gregg T. Vesonder, Stephen R. Palmer, Jay I. Berman, Harry H. Moore:
A Knowledge-Based Configurator that Supports Sales, Engineering, and Manufacturing at AT&T Network Systems.
183-193 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:15:36 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)