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Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems

FMICS Home Page

FMICS 2007: Berlin, Germany

Stefan Leue, Pedro Merino (Eds.): Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems, 12th International Workshop, FMICS 2007, Berlin, Germany, July 1-2, 2007, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4916 Springer 2008, ISBN 978-3-540-79706-7
Contents BibTeX

FMICS/PDMC 2006: Bonn, Germany

Lubos Brim, Boudewijn R. Haverkort, Martin Leucker, Jaco van de Pol (Eds.): Formal Methods: Applications and Technology, 11th International Workshop, FMICS 2006 and 5th International Workshop PDMC 2006, Bonn, Germany, August 26-27, and August 31, 2006, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4346 Springer 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-70951-0
Contents BibTeX

FMICS 2005: Lisbon, Portugal

FMICS 2004: Linz, Austria


FMICS 2003: Trondheim, Norway


Copyright © Sat May 16 23:12:18 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)