A Translator to Convert the DDL of ERM to the DDL of System 2000.

J. Iossiphidis: A Translator to Convert the DDL of ERM to the DDL of System 2000. ER 1979: 477-504
  author    = {J. Iossiphidis},
  editor    = {Peter P. Chen},
  title     = {A Translator to Convert the DDL of ERM to the DDL of System 2000},
  booktitle = {Entity-Relationship Approach to Systems Analysis and Design.
                Proc. 1st International Conference on the Entity-Relationship
  publisher = {North-Holland},
  year      = {1979},
  isbn      = {0-444-85487-8},
  pages     = {477-504},
  ee        = {db/conf/er/Iossiohidis79.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/er/79},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}

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Larry Kerschberg, Anthony C. Klug, Dennis Tsichritzis: A Taxonomy of Data Models. VLDB 1976: 43-64 BibTeX
Peter P. Chen: The Entity-Relationship Model - Toward a Unified View of Data. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 1(1): 9-36(1976) BibTeX
Dennis Tsichritzis, Frederick H. Lochovsky: Hierarchical Data-Base Management: A Survey. ACM Comput. Surv. 8(1): 105-123(1976) BibTeX
Donald E. Knuth: The Art of Computer Programming, Volume III: Sorting and Searching. Addison-Wesley 1973, ISBN 0-201-03803-X

Referenced by

  1. Jeffrey R. Horowitz, Alfonso F. Cardenas: Decomposing Heterogeneous Inter-Entity Relationship Updates. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 4(4): 360-370(1992)
  2. Ferdi Put: Schema Translation during Design and Integration of Databases. ER 1990: 431-453
  3. Kathi Hogshead Davis, Adarsh K. Arora: A Methodology for Translating a Conventional File System into an Entity-Relationship Model. ER 1985: 148-159
  4. Alfonso F. Cardenas, George R. Wang: Translation of SQL/DS Data Access/Update into Entity-Relationship Data Access/Update. ER 1985: 256-267
  5. Tzyy-Long Jiang, Y. H. Chin: A Friendly Logical Database Design Tool for the Humming-Bird System. ICDE 1984: 526-533
  6. V. W. Setzer, René Lapyda: Design of Data Models for the ADABAS System Using the Entity-Relationship Approach. ER 1981: 319-336
  7. Hai-Yann Hwang, Umeshwar Dayal: Using the Entity-Relationship Model for Implementing Multi-Model Database Systems. ER 1981: 235-256
  8. Asuman Dogac, Peter P. Chen: Entity-Relationship Model in the ANSI/SPARC Framework. ER 1981: 357-374
  9. Peter P. Chen: Recent Literature on the Entity-Relationship Approach. ER 1979: 3-12
  10. Alfonso F. Cardenas, Mir Hamid Pirahesh: The E-R Model in a Heterogeneous Data Base Management System Network Architecture. ER 1979: 577-584
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