Updating OLAP Dimensions.
Carlos A. Hurtado, Alberto O. Mendelzon, Alejandro A. Vaisman:
Updating OLAP Dimensions.
DOLAP 1999: 60-66@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/dolap/HurtadoMV99,
author = {Carlos A. Hurtado and
Alberto O. Mendelzon and
Alejandro A. Vaisman},
title = {Updating OLAP Dimensions},
booktitle = {DOLAP '99, ACM Second International Workshop on Data Warehousing
and OLAP, November 6, 1999, Kansas City, Missouri, USA, Proceedings},
publisher = {ACM},
year = {1999},
pages = {60-66},
ee = {db/conf/dolap/HurtadoMV99.html, http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/319757.319791},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/dolap/99},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
OLAP systems support data analysis through a multidimensional data model, according to which data facts are viewed as points in a space of application-related "dimensions", organized into levels which conform a hierarchy.
Although the usual assumption is that these points reflect the dynamic aspect of the data warehouse while dimensions are relatively static, in practice it turns out that dimension updates are often necessary to adapt the multidimensional database to changing requirements.
These updates can take place either at the structural level (e.g. addition of categories or modification of the hierarchical structure) or at the instance level (elements can be inserted, deleted, merged, etc.).
They are poorly supported (or not supported at all) in current commercial systems and have not been addressed in the literature.
In a previous paper we introduced a formal model supporting dimension updates.
Here, we extend the model, adding a set of semantically meaningful operators which encapsulate common sequences of primitive dimension updates in a more efficient way.
We also formally define two mappings (normalized and denormalized) from the multidimensional to the relational model, and compare an implementation of dimension updates using these two approaches.
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DOLAP '99, ACM Second International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP, November 6, 1999, Kansas City, Missouri, USA, Proceedings.
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Citation Page
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Modeling Multidimensional Databases.
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- Marc Gyssens, Laks V. S. Lakshmanan:
A Foundation for Multi-dimensional Databases.
VLDB 1997: 106-115 BibTeX
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- Carlos A. Hurtado, Alberto O. Mendelzon, Alejandro A. Vaisman:
Maintaining Data Cubes under Dimension Updates.
ICDE 1999: 346-355 BibTeX
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- Ralph Kimball:
The Data Warehouse Toolkit: Practical Techniques for Building Dimensional Data Warehouses.
John Wiley 1996, ISBN 0-471-15337-0
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- Wolfgang Lehner:
Modelling Large Scale OLAP Scenarios.
EDBT 1998: 153-167 BibTeX
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- Jennifer Widom:
Research Problems in Data Warehousing.
CIKM 1995: 25-30 BibTeX
Referenced by
- Carlos A. Hurtado, Alberto O. Mendelzon:
Reasoning about Summarizability in Heterogeneous Multidimensional Schemas.
ICDT 2001: 375-389
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