Design and Evaluation of a High-Speed Extended Relational Database Engine, XRDB.

Yasuo Yamane, Mika Narita, Fumihiko Kozakura, Akifumi Makinouchi: Design and Evaluation of a High-Speed Extended Relational Database Engine, XRDB. DASFAA 1989: 52-60
  author    = {Yasuo Yamane and
               Mika Narita and
               Fumihiko Kozakura and
               Akifumi Makinouchi},
  editor    = {Sukho Lee and
               Hideko S. Kunii and
               Won Kim and
               In Sup Paik and
               Yahiko Kambayashi},
  title     = {Design and Evaluation of a High-Speed Extended Relational Database
               Engine, XRDB},
  booktitle = {International Symposium on Database Systems for Advanced Applications,
               Seoul, Korea, April 10-12, 1989},
  publisher = {Dept. of Computer Science, KAIST, P.O. Box 150, ChongRyang, Seoul,
               131-650, Korea},
  year      = {1989},
  pages     = {52-60},
  ee        = {db/conf/dasfaa/YamaneNKM89.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/dasfaa/89},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


New database applications such as artificial intelligence, CAD/CAM, and image processing require the database systems with the following capabilities:
  1. to store data types different than the conventional ones
  2. to have higher performance
  3. to be extensible

To satisfy these requirements, we have developed XRDB (extended relational database engine). XRDB is a simple, extensible, high-speed database engine that supports non-first normal form.

In this paper, we discuss the design principles, the techniques used to increase speed, and the system architecture. The performance evaluation of the single user version using the Wisconsin benchmark test is shown. A Japanese dictionary system based on XRDB is compared with the specialized routine-based dictionary in terms of access time. These results are also discussed.

Copyright © 1989 by The Organizing Commitee of the International Symposium on Database Systems for Advanced Applications. Permission to copy without all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the DASFAA copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the Organizing Commitee of the International Symposium on Database Systems for Advanced Applications. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or special permission from the Organizing Commitee.

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Dina Bitton, David J. DeWitt, Carolyn Turbyfill: Benchmarking Database Systems A Systematic Approach. VLDB 1983: 8-19 BibTeX
Mike W. Blasgen, Kapali P. Eswaran: Storage and Access in Relational Data Bases. IBM Systems Journal 16(4): 362-377(1977) BibTeX
Kjell Bratbergsengen: Hashing Methods and Relational Algebra Operations. VLDB 1984: 323-333 BibTeX
Michael J. Carey, David J. DeWitt, Joel E. Richardson, Eugene J. Shekita: Object and File Management in the EXODUS Extensible Database System. VLDB 1986: 91-100 BibTeX
David J. DeWitt, Shahram Ghandeharizadeh, Donovan A. Schneider, Rajiv Jauhari, M. Muralikrishna, Anoop Sharma: A Single User Evaluation of the Gamma Database Machine. IWDM 1987: 370-386 BibTeX
Roger L. Haskin, Raymond A. Lorie: On Extending the Functions of a Relational Database System. SIGMOD Conference 1982: 207-212 BibTeX
Donald E. Knuth: The Art of Computer Programming, Volume I: Fundamental Algorithms. Addison-Wesley 1968
Per-Åke Larson: Linear Hashing with Partial Expansions. VLDB 1980: 224-232 BibTeX
Akifumi Makinouchi: A Consideration on Normal Form of Not-Necessarily-Normalized Relation in the Relational Data Model. VLDB 1977: 447-453 BibTeX
Akifumi Makinouchi, Masayoshi Tezuka, Hajime Kitakami, S. Adachi: The Optimization Strategy for Query Evaluation in RDB/V1. VLDB 1981: 518-529 BibTeX
Michael Stonebraker, Lawrence A. Rowe: The Design of Postgres. SIGMOD Conference 1986: 340-355 BibTeX
Yasuo Yamane: A Hash Join Technique for Relational Database Systems. FODO 1985: 515-528 BibTeX
Yasuo Yamane, R. Take: Parallel Partition Sort for Database Machines. IWDM 1987: 117-130 BibTeX

Referenced by

  1. Hiroshi Ishikawa, Yasuo Yamane, Yoshio Izumida, Nobuaki Kawato: An Object-Oriented Database System Jasmine: Implementation, Application, and Extension. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 8(2): 285-304(1996)
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