CTW 2007:
The Netherlands
Johann Hurink, Walter Kern, Gerhard F. Post, Georg Still (Eds.):
Sixth Cologne Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 29-31 May, 2007.
University of Twente 2007 BibTeX
- Nair Maria Maia de Abreu, Pierre Hansen, Carla Silva Oliveira, Leoanardo Silva de Lima:
Bounds on the index of the Signless Laplacian of a graph involving the average degree of neighbors of a vertex.
1-4 BibTeX
- Néstor E. Aguilera, Valeria A. Leoni, Graciela L. Nasini:
Some flexibility problmes and their complexity.
5-8 BibTeX
- Stepahn Dominique Andres:
Directed defective asymmetric graph coloring games on forests.
9-12 BibTeX
- Hans L. Bodlaender, Alexander Grigoriev, Nadejda V. Grigorieva, Albert Hendriks:
The valve location problem.
13-16 BibTeX
- Paul S. Bonsma:
Most balanced minimum cuts and partially ordered knapsack.
17-21 BibTeX
- Andrea Bettinelli, Alberto Ceselli, Giovanni Righini:
A branch-and-price algorithm for the variable size bin packing problem with minimum filling constraint.
23-27 BibTeX
- Sofie Coene, Frits C. R. Spieksma:
A latency problem with profits.
29-32 BibTeX
- Ulrich Faigle, Britta Peis:
A two-phase greedy algorithm for modular lattice polyhedra.
33-37 BibTeX
- Jinfeng Feng:
A characterization for jump graphs containing complementary cycles.
39-42 BibTeX
- Henning Fernau:
Dynamic programming for queen domination.
43-48 BibTeX
- Ralf Gollmer, Uwe Gotzes, Frederike Neise, Rüdiger Schultz:
Stochastic programs with dominance contraints induced by mixed-integer linear recourse.
49-51 BibTeX
- Martin Charles Golumbic, Marina Lipshteyn, Michal Stern:
Edge intersection graphs of single bend paths on a grid.
53-55 BibTeX
- Alexander Grigoriev, Joyce van Loon, Maxim Sviridenko, Marc Uetz, Tjark Vredeveld:
Optimal bundle pricing for homogeneous items.
57-60 BibTeX
- Erwin W. Hans:
Operations Research for hospital process optimization.
61-61 BibTeX
- Irith Ben-Arroyo Hartman:
On path partitions and colourings in digraphs.
63-66 BibTeX
- Géraldine Heilporn, Martine Labbé, Patrice Marcotte, Gilles Savard:
On a network pricing problem with consecutive toll arcs.
67-68 BibTeX
- Birgit Heydenreich, Rudolf Müller, Marc Uetz, Rakesh Vohra:
On revenue equivalence in truthful mechanisms.
69-72 BibTeX
- Shahadat Hossain, Minhaz Fahim Zibran:
A multi-phase approach to the university course timetabling problem.
73-76 BibTeX
- Johann Hurink, Tim Nieberg:
Approximating minimum independent dominating sets in wireless networks.
77-80 BibTeX
- Yulia Kempner, Vadim E. Levit:
Representation of poly-antimatroids.
81-84 BibTeX
- Walter Kern, Xinhui Wang:
On full components for Rectilinear Steiner tree.
85-88 BibTeX
- Jimmy Leblet, Jean-Xavier Rampon:
St-serie decomposition of orders.
89-93 BibTeX
- Ruijuan Li, Shengjia Li, Jinfeng Feng:
The number of vertices whose out-arcs are pancyclic in 2-strong tournaments.
95-97 BibTeX
- Shengjia Li, Wei Meng, Yubao Guo:
A local tournament contains a vertex whose out-arcs are g-pancyclic.
99-102 BibTeX
- Leo Liberti:
A useful characterization of the feasible region of binary linear programs.
103-106 BibTeX
- Vadim V. Lozin, Martin Milanic:
On the maximum independent set problem in subclasses of planar and more general graphs.
107-110 BibTeX
- Dmitrii Lozovanu, Stefan Pickl:
Multiobjective hierarchical control of time-discrete systems and dtermining Stackelberg strategies.
111-114 BibTeX
- Giacomo Nannicini, Philippe Baptiste, Daniel Krob, Leo Liberti:
Fast point-to-point shortest path queries on dynamic road networks with interfal data.
115-118 BibTeX
- Jacob Jan Paulus, Johann Hurink:
Decomposition method for project scheduling with adjacent resources.
119-122 BibTeX
- Adriaan Peeters, Kris Coolsaet, Gunnar Brinkmann, Nicolas Van Cleemput, Veerle Fack:
GrInvIn for graph theory teaching and research.
123-126 BibTeX
- Marie-Christine Plateau, Leo Liberti, Laurent Alfandari:
Edge cover by bipartite subgraphs.
127-132 BibTeX
- Juan Alberto Rodríguez-Velazquez, Jose Maria Sigarreta:
On the defensive k-alliance number of a graph.
133-136 BibTeX
- Joachim Spoerhase, Hans-Christoph Wirth:
Relaxed voting and competitive location on trees under monotonous gain functions.
137-140 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:02:56 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)