6. CAAP 1981:
Egidio Astesiano, Corrado Böhm (Eds.):
CAAP '81, Trees in Algebra and Programming, 6th Colloquium, Genoa, Italy, March 5-7, 1981, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 112 Springer 1981, ISBN 3-540-10828-9 BibTeX
editor = {Egidio Astesiano and
Corrado B{\"o}hm},
title = {CAAP '81, Trees in Algebra and Programming, 6th Colloquium, Genoa,
Italy, March 5-7, 1981, Proceedings},
booktitle = {CAAP},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {112},
year = {1981},
isbn = {3-540-10828-9},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Invited Lectures
Contributed Papers
- Giorgio Ausiello, Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela, Marco Protasi:
Full Approximatibility of a Class of Problems over Power Sets.
76-87 BibTeX
- Jürgen Avenhaus, Klaus Madlener:
How to Compute Generators for the Intersection of Subgroups in Free Groups.
88-100 BibTeX
- Marc Bergman, Pierre Deransart:
Abstract Data Types and Rewriting Systems: Application to the Programming of Algebraic Abstract Data Types in Prolog.
101-116 BibTeX
- J. Bilstein, Werner Damm:
Top-Down Tree-Transducers for Infinite Trees I.
117-134 BibTeX
- Stephen L. Bloom, David B. Patterson:
Easy Solutions are Hard To Find.
135-146 BibTeX
- Gérard Boudol:
Une Semantique Pour Les Arbres Non Deterministes.
147-161 BibTeX
- Manfred Broy, Martin Wirsing:
On the Algebraic Specification of Nondeterministic Programming Languages.
162-179 BibTeX
- Nachum Dershowitz, Shmuel Zaks:
Applied Tree Enumerations.
180-193 BibTeX
- Marie-Pierre Franchi-Zannettacci:
Evaluation d'Arbre Pour un Calcul Formel (Application a l'Enumeration de Proteines).
194-210 BibTeX
- Irène Guessarian:
On Pushdown Tree Automata.
211-223 BibTeX
- Günter Hornung, Peter Raulefs:
Initial and Terminal Algebra Semantics of Parameterized Abstract Data Type Specifications With Inequalities.
224-237 BibTeX
- Gérard Jacob:
Calcul du Rang des sum-Arbres Infinis Reguliers.
238-254 BibTeX
- Marek J. Lao:
A Class of Tree-Like UNION-FIND Data Structures and the Nonlinearity.
255-267 BibTeX
- Bernard Leguy:
Grammars Without Erasing Rules - The OI Case.
268-279 BibTeX
- Eric Lilin:
Proprietes de Cloture d'une Extension de Transducteurs d'Arbres Deterministes.
280-289 BibTeX
- Andrzej Lingas:
Certain Algorithms for Subgraph Isomorphism Problems.
290-307 BibTeX
- Giancarlo Mauri, Nicoletta Sabadini:
A # P-Complete Problem over Arithmetical Trees.
308-315 BibTeX
- Pierangelo Miglioli, Ugo Moscato, Mario Ornaghi:
Trees in Kripke Models and in an Intuitionistic Refutation System.
316-331 BibTeX
- Yehoshua Perl, Yossi Shiloach:
Efficient Optimization of Monotonic Functions on Trees.
332-339 BibTeX
- N. Polian:
Differents Types de Derivations Infinites Dans les Grammaires Algebriques d'Arbres.
340-349 BibTeX
- Simona Ronchi Della Rocca:
Discriminability of Infinite Sets of Terms in the Dinfinity-Models of the lambda-calculus.
350-364 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:00:02 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)