60. Birthday:
Dov M. Gabbay,
Sergei N. Artëmov, Howard Barringer, Artur S. d'Avila Garcez, Luís C. Lamb, John Woods (Eds.):
We Will Show Them! Essays in Honour of Dov Gabbay, Volume Two.
College Publications 2005, ISBN 1-904987-26-5 BibTeX
- Joseph A. Goguen, Kai Lin:
Specifying, Programming and Verifying with Equational Logic.
1-38 BibTeX
- John Grant, Sarit Kraus, Donald Perlis:
Formal Approaches to Teamwork.
39-68 BibTeX
- Wilfrid Hodges:
Detecting the Logical Content: Burley's 'Purity of Logic'.
69-116 BibTeX
- Ian M. Hodkinson, Mark Reynolds:
Separation - Past, Present, and Future.
117-142 BibTeX
- Dale Jacquette:
Kripke's Modal Objection to the Description Theory of Reference.
143-168 BibTeX
- Jan Willem Klop, Roel C. de Vrijer:
Infinitary Normalization.
169-192 BibTeX
- Agi Kurucz, Frank Wolter, Michael Zakharyaschev:
Modal Logics for Metric Spaces: Open Problems.
193-108 BibTeX
- Daniel Leivant:
Partial Correctness Assertions Provable in Dynamic Logic.
209-224 BibTeX
- Lorenzo Magnani:
Abduction and Cognition in Organic and Logical Agents.
225-258 BibTeX
- David Makinson:
Friendliness for Logicians.
259-292 BibTeX
- Larisa Maksimova:
Interpolation and Joint Consistency.
293-306 BibTeX
- George Metcalfe, Nicola Olivetti:
Goal-Directed Methods for Fuzzy Logics.
307-330 BibTeX
- Alice ter Meulen:
331-340 BibTeX
- Wilfried Meyer-Viol, Ruth Kempson:
Sequence-Dominance Grammars.
341-370 BibTeX
- Ben C. Moszkowski:
A Hierarchical Analysis of Propositional Temporal Logic based on Intervals.
371-440 BibTeX
- Rolf Nossum:
Nesting Patterns in Fibred Logics of Context.
441-452 BibTeX
- Hans Jürgen Ohlbach:
Modelling Periodic Temporal Notions by Labelled Partitionings - The PartLib Library.
453-498 BibTeX
- Anjolina Grisi de Oliveira, Ruy J. G. B. de Queiroz:
A New Basic Set of Transformations between Proofs.
499-528 BibTeX
- Gabriella Pigozzi:
Should We Send Him to Prison? Paradoxes of Aggregation and Belief Merging.
529-542 BibTeX
- Amir Pnueli:
Verification of Procedural Programs.
543-590 BibTeX
- Odinaldo Rodrigues:
Iterated Revision and Automatic Similarity Generation.
591-614 BibTeX
- Vladimir V. Rybakov:
Inference in Temporal Next-Time Logic.
615-638 BibTeX
- Erica Melis, Jörg H. Siekmann:
e-Learning Logic and Mathematics: What We Have and What We Need.
639-662 BibTeX
- Valentin B. Shehtman:
On Neighbourhood Semantics 30 years later.
663-692 BibTeX
- Patrick Suppes:
Psychological Nature of Verification of Informal Mathematical Proofs.
693-712 BibTeX
- Jon Williamson:
Objective Bayesian Nets.
713-730 BibTeX
- John Woods:
Epistemic Bubbles.
731-774 BibTeX
Volume 1
Copyright © Sat May 16 22:59:40 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)