ANNs 2004:
Waseem Asrar Ahmed (Ed.):
Artificial Neural Networks: Data preparation techniques and application development, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks: Data preparation techniques and application development, ANNs 2004, In conjunction with ICINCO 2004, Setúbal, Portugal, August 2004.
INSTICC Press 2004, ISBN 972-8865-14-7 BibTeX
Invited Speakers
- António Gabriel Rodrigues, Rossana Baptista Queiroz, Arthur Tórgo Gómez:
A Comparative Study Between Neural Network and Maximum Likelihood in the Satellite Image Classification.
3-10 BibTeX
- A. R. Ghumman, U. Ghani, M. A. Shamim:
Flood Forecasting Using Neural Networks.
11-17 BibTeX
- Yutaka Maeda, Nobutaka Kitajima, Tsubasa Inagaki, Hidenori Onishi:
Neuro-Controller with Simultaneous Perturbation for Robot Arm - Learning of Kinematics and Dynamics without Jacobian.
18-24 BibTeX
- Roberto Gil-Pita, Pilar Jarabo Amores, Manuel Rosa-Zurera, Francisco López-Ferreras:
Enlarging Training Sets for Neural Networks.
25-33 BibTeX
- Huahua Chen, Xin Du, WeiKang Gu:
Global Path Planning Based on Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm in A Static Environment.
34-42 BibTeX
- Pavel Mautner, Václav Matousek, T. Marsalek, O. Rohlik:
Comparison of ART-2 and SOFM Based Neural Network Verifiers.
43-50 BibTeX
- Daniel Neagu:
A Study of Neural and Fuzzy Parameters for Explicit and Implicit Knowledge-based Systems.
51-61 BibTeX
- U. Ghani, A. R. Ghumman, M. A. Shamim:
Neural Networks and Rainfall-Runoff Model, its Calibration and Validation.
62-68 BibTeX
- Pilar Jarabo Amores, Roberto Gil-Pita, Manuel Rosa-Zurera, Francisco López-Ferreras:
On the Capability of Neural Networks to Approximate the Neyman-Pearson Detector: A Theoretical Study.
69-76 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 22:57:51 2009
by Michael Ley (