2. ACRI 1996:
Stefania Bandini, Giancarlo Mauri (Eds.):
ACRI '96, Proceedings of the Second Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, Milan, Italy, 16-18 October 1996.
Springer 1997, ISBN 3-540-76091-1 BibTeX
editor = {Stefania Bandini and
Giancarlo Mauri},
title = {ACRI '96, Proceedings of the Second Conference on Cellular Automata
for Research and Industry, Milan, Italy, 16-18 October 1996},
booktitle = {ACRI},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {1997},
isbn = {3-540-76091-1},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Invited Lectures
Contributed Papers
- Franco A. Bignone:
Coupled Maps Lattice Dynamics on a Variable Space for the Study of Development.
31-41 BibTeX
- Gianpiero Cattaneo, Enrico Formenti, Giancarlo Mauri, A. Vaccaro, Luciano Margara:
Essential Transformations of the One Dimensional Cellular Automata Rule Space and Endomorphisms of Compact Abelian Groups.
42-56 BibTeX
- Michele Finelli, Giovanni Manzini, Luciano Margara:
Lyapunov Exponents Vs Expansivity and Sensitivity in Cellular Automata.
57-71 BibTeX
- Francisco Jiménez-Morales, H. Karma, J. J. Luque, M. C. Lemos:
Quasiperiod-3 and Period 3 Collective Behavior in Three Dimensional Totalistic Illegal Cellular Automata with High Connectivity.
72-78 BibTeX
- Salvatore Di Gregorio, Rocco Rongo, Roberto Serra, William Spataro, Marco Villani:
Simulation of Water Flow through a Porous Soil by Cellular Automaton Model.
79-88 BibTeX
- Christian Hochberger, Rolf Hoffmann:
Solving Routing Problems with Cellular Automata.
89-98 BibTeX
- Stefania Bandini, Giancarlo Mauri:
Towards Multilayered Automata Networks.
99-105 BibTeX
- Stefania Bandini, R. Fesce, G. Malagutti:
A Composite Automaton Designed to Model Complex Biological Systems. Modeling the Calcium-Ion Distribution in the Living Cell.
106-116 BibTeX
- Dario Castagnolo, Mario Mango Furnari, Francesco Mele, Renata Napolitano:
Time Dependant Grid Simulation by a Cellular Automata Network.
117-126 BibTeX
- Eliano Pessa, Carlo Palma, Maria Pietronilla Penna:
Cellular Neural Networks for Realizing Associative Memories.
127-134 BibTeX
- Stefania Bandini, R. Casati:
A Cellular Automata Approach to the Simulation of a Prey-Predator System of Mites.
135-146 BibTeX
- L. Papini, Giovanni A. Rabino:
Urban Cellular Automata: an Evolutionary Prototype.
147-157 BibTeX
- Giovanni Adorni, Vincenzo D'Andrea, Ricardo A. Marques Pereira:
A Cooperative Edge Grammar for Edge Detection.
158-167 BibTeX
- P. Hartmann, Christian Hochberger, Rolf Hoffmann, Ralf Schneider, Klaus-Peter Völkmann:
Hardware Supported Simulation Systems for Graph Based and 3-D Cellular Processing.
168-176 BibTeX
- Moshe Sipper, Marco Tomassini:
Evolvable Cellular Machines.
177-186 BibTeX
- Giandomenico Spezzano, Domenico Talia:
A High-Level Language for Programming Cellular Algorithms on Parallel Machines.
187-196 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 22:56:08 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)