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Automated and Algorithmic Debugging (AADEBUG)

Algorithmic and Algorithmic Debugging Home Page

6. AADEBUG 2005: Monterey, CA, USA

Clinton Jeffery, Jong-Deok Choi, Raimondas Lencevicius (Eds.): Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Automated Debugging, AADEBUG 2005, Monterey, California, USA, September 19-21, 2005. ACM 2005, ISBN 1-59593-050-7
Contents BibTeX - AADEBUG 2005 Home Page

5. AADEBUG 2003: Ghent, Belgium

Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Automated Debugging (AADEBUG 2003). CoRR cs.SE/0309027: (2003) BibTeX

4. AADEBUG 2000: Munich, Germany

Mireille Ducassé (Ed.): Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Automated Debugging, AADEBUG 2000, Munich, Germany, August 28-30th, 2000. 2000
Contents BibTeX - online publication: http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/cs.SE/0010035 - AADEBUG 2000 Home Page

3. AADEBUG 1997: Linköping, Sweden

Mariam Kamkar (Ed.): AADEBUG '97, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Automatic Debugging, Linköping, Sweden, May 26-27, 1997. Linköping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science, ISSN 1401-9841, Vol. 2, No. 009, URL http://www.ep.liu.se/ea/cis/1997/009/

2. AADEBUG 1995: Saint Malo, France

Mireille Ducassé (Ed.): AADEBUG, 2nd International Workshop on Automated and Algorithmic Debugging, May 22-24, 1995, Saint Malo, France, Proceedings. IRISA-CNRS, 1995

1. AADEBUG 1993: Linköping, Sweden

Peter Fritszon (Ed.): Automated and Algorithmic Debugging, First International Workshop, AADEBUG'93, Linköping, Sweden, May 3-5, 1993, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 749 Springer 1993, ISBN 3-540-57417-4
Contents BibTeX

Copyright © Sat May 16 22:55:34 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)