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Database Security

Silvana Castano, Maria Grazia Fugini, Giancarlo Martella, Pierangela Samarati: Database Security. Addison-Wesley & ACM Press 1995, ISBN 0-201-59375-0 BibTeX

The competitive edge of many companies and public trust in government institutions can often depend on the security of the information held in databases. Breaches of that security - whether deliberate or accidental - can be profoundly damaging. Security is therefore a highly topical issue for both designers and users of database systems.
This book provides an authoritative account of security issues in databases systems and shows how current commercial or future systems may be designed to ensure secrecy, integrity and confidentiality.
Features include:
- comprehensive, in-depth coverage of database security, including models, systems, architectures and standards
- emphasis on the design of a secure database
- coverage of available security mechanisms and protection measures provided by operating systems, DBMS and data-security packages
- up-to-date trends in database security, including issues of security in object-oriented databases, in statistical databases and in database auditing.

This book is suitable for advanced courses on database security, and is a reference not only for database administrators and designers, systems analysts and developers, but also for IT managers responsible for the security of information systems.

About the authors

Based on the University of Milan and University of Pavia, the authors have a wealth knowledge of database security in information systems and have contributed to this field in many ways, including research, articles and books, holding key posts on security committees, undertaking consultancy work for companies and governmental organizations, as well as teaching the subject both in academic and professional environments.

Copyright © Sat May 16 22:54:38 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)