What institution is behind DBLP?
DBLP is produced at the
Computer Science department of the
University of Trier.
(Wikipedia) is a town with an
approximate population of 100000 situated very in the
west of
very close to Luxembourg, Belgium and
France (Map).
University of Trier
(WP) is
(like most German universities) a state university,
the main budget comes from the
federal state
The Computer
Science Depatment is part of the
faculty 4.
The professors and groups of the CS department are
- Stephan Diehl, software engineering
- Henning Fernau, theory
- Ralf Küsters, security and cryptograhy
- Stefan Näher, data structures and efficient algorithms
- Peter Sturm, system software and distributed systems
- Bernd Walter, data bases and information systems,
- Norbert Th. Müller, arithmetical algorithms
- Hans Czap, business information systems I
- Ralph Bergmann, business information systems II
- Andreas J. W. Goldschmidt, heath care management
Copyright © Sat May 16 22:54:14 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)